Oracle Empirica Signal objects types

Oracle Empirica Signal objects include tabular, graphical, statistical, and results. You can save these objects as attachments.

You can save the following objects as attachments:

  • Drug Profile—Collection of charts displayed on the Drug Profile page.
  • Data Mining Results—Tabular results of a data mining run.
  • Data Mining Results Graph—Graphical results of a data mining run.
  • Query—Results of a query.
  • Case Series—Case series lists.
  • First Level drill-down—List of cases resulting from drill-down on a count of cases.
  • Cases—Case details displayed upon drill-down for a particular case.
  • Report Output—Saved report output or a displayed report for an output that was not saved.
  • Report Graph—Graph based on a saved report output or on a displayed report for an output that was not saved.


You can save objects to a topic only if you have the work team permission to add, edit, and delete attachments in open topics/actions.

You can save these additional objects if your organization uses the Signal Management module of Oracle Empirica Signal:

  • Product-Event Combinations—Combinations selected from the Product-Event Combinations page.
  • Event Comments—Comments associated with a product on the Products page.
  • Similar Combinations—Combinations selected from the Similar Combinations page.
  • Interactions Graph—Interactions graph for a combination on the Product-Event Combinations page.
  • Age Group Breakdown—Age group breakdown graph for a combination on the Product-Event Combinations page.
  • Gender Breakdown—Gender breakdown graph for a combination on the Product-Event Combinations page.
  • Sector Map Graph—Sector map for a product on the Products page.


If you save data from a Signal Management table as an attachment and your signal configuration has the private comments feature set up, all of the Signal Management comments, public and private, are attached to the topic and are visible to all users who can view the topic.