Work team permissions


To use the topics feature and access the Topics page or work with associated topics on the Signal Review page, users must be given the View Topics user permission. Work team permissions give users different levels of access to the topics that appear on those tabs.

Permissions that can be assigned to work teams

The following permissions can be assigned to the members of a work team. Each permission is independent of the others. For a member to edit a topic, both the View Topics/Actions/Attachments permission and the Edit Topics/Actions permission must be granted to that member. For a member to edit a topic attachment, the View Topics/Actions/Attachments permission and the Add/Edit/Delete Attachments in Open Topics/Actions permission must be granted.

It is possible for one person to be a member of different work teams and have different work team permissions in each one. If a user has access to a topic that is visible to multiple work teams through membership in more than one of those work teams, the least restrictive permissions assigned to the user apply.

Permission Activity

View Topics/Actions/Attachments

View topics, actions, and attachments to both topics and actions, and create .pdf or compressed .zip files of topic information.


All work team members should be given this permission to allow topic review.

Edit Topics/Actions

Add and edit topics and actions, including adding comments (if enabled by the topic workflow configuration).


This permission does not grant view access to topics or actions. Typically, members also are given the View Topics/Actions/Attachments work team permission.

Add/Edit/Delete Attachments in Open Topics/Actions

Add, edit, and delete attachments to topics and actions, including adding comments (if enabled by the topic workflow configuration).

Grants access to attachments to topics and actions that are in a non-final state, such as Assigned.

Edit Attachments in Closed Topics/Actions

Edit topic or action attachments when the topic is in a final state, such as Closed, and edit action attachments when the action is in a final state.


This permission does not allow members to add comments to attachments.

Reopen Topics/Actions

Reopen topics or actions by changing the state from a final state, such as Closed, to a non-final state, such as Assigned. No other edits are permitted by this permission.


For the Reopen option to be available for a topic or action, in the topic workflow configuration at least one state also must be defined as a Next possible state for the final state.

Delete Topics/Actions

Delete topics and actions.


This permission does not grant delete access to attachments.

Administer Work Team

See the Administer Work Team permission section below.


Work team permissions apply only in the context of working with topics and, as a result, are effective only for members who also have the View Topics user permission. Only members with the View Topics user permission can access the Topics page, where they can add topics and make them visible to a work team (or teams) to initiate collaborative participation. Users who are members of the visible to work team(s) can then view and act on topics as granted by their assigned work team permissions. View topics user permission is also required to work with associated topics on the Signal Review page.

Administer Work Team permission

An additional, managerial work team permission is available: Administer Work Team. This work team permission grants members access to a limited subset of the activities that can be performed with the Administer Users user permission. From the Settings page, select Edit Work Teams. From the Edit Work Teams page, members with this permission can:

  • Edit work teams to add new members.
  • Assign work team permissions to members.
  • Specify the values that apply to a given work team for fields with constrained values (see Constrain field values by work team).

Default work team permissions

You can assign work team permissions individually to members, or you can define a set of default work team permissions and assign that set to the members of a work team. When a work team is added, each permission is designated as being in the default set for that work team or not, as follows:

Permission Default

View Topics/Actions/Attachments


Add/Edit/Delete Attachments in Open Topics/Actions


Edit Attachments in Closed Topics/Actions


Reopen Topics/Actions


Delete Topics/Actions


Administer Work Team


You can change this set of default permissions so that members are given additional permissions by default. When you add a member to a work team, the permissions in the default set are assigned to that new member automatically. You can edit each member's assigned permissions as needed.

If you make changes to the default set after it has been assigned to members, the permissions granted to those members by default are updated automatically to match the new default set.