View a scatter plot

For an overview of scatter plots, see About scatter plots.

  1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon (Data Analysis icon), then click Report Outputs.
  2. Select the Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon) for a report output, and click View.
  3. On the Display Output page, click Choose Graph.

    Only those graph types that are appropriate for the report data appear.

  4. Select Scatterplot.
  5. From the Subset Variable drop-down list, select a subset variable.

    Oracle Empirica Signal creates one scatter plot for each value of the subset variable.

  6. Select an X variable; that is, a numeric variable to be plotted against the x-axis.
  7. Select a Y variable; that is, a numeric variable to be plotted against the y-axis.
  8. You can select another Y variable. Each of the two Y variables are plotted against the y-axis. Each Y variable corresponds to a different-shaped point, as shown in the key below the scatter plot.
  9. You can also select a text variable as an inner breakdown variable. The color key associates each point on the scatter plot with a particular value of the inner breakdown variable.
  10. Specify the following display options:
    Option Description

    Labels X and Y

    Label the x-axis and y-axis to clarify what is are represented by the axes.

    Include linear regression lines

    Include a linear regression line to identify trends in the data.

    Include 45-degree line and matched axes

    Include a 45-degree line in the scatter plot. This is useful if you are plotting two similar variables and you are interested in the differences.

    Use gray-scale instead of colors

    Use shades of gray instead of colors in the graph.


    Display each graph in an individual window. If you have popup blocking software installed on your browser, it may prevent these windows from opening. You may want to disable your popup blocking software. For details, see Graph display options.

  11. Click Display.

    Oracle Empirica Signal creates the graph using the specified display options. These options apply only to this graph.

  12. To drill down to case information, point to the graph, click, and hold down the mouse button while you draw a red rectangle around the data points for which you want to drill down. When you release the mouse button, a menu appears and you can drill down. Note that a single point in the graph may represent several data points.


If you are displaying multiple graphs on the same page, do not try to drill down until all the graphs are displayed.

For information about copying, printing, or saving a graph as an attachment to a topic, see Work with report graphs.