View refresh details for a signal configuration

You can access refresh details for a multisource configuration from the following pages:

  • Manage Signal Configurations—View pending changes before you refresh the signal configuration.
  • Manage Refreshes—View changes implemented during the refresh.

Details for a signal management refresh include monitored products, renamed products, designated medical events, targeted medical events, listed events, custom terms, active alert types, and the signal configuration properties for the refresh.

Field descriptions: Detail for Refresh - Interactive signal configurations

Field Description


When viewing details of a refresh that has taken place, the ID row displays the identifier assigned to the refresh when the refresh was created. IDs are unique and are not reused.

Monitored products

New and deleted monitored products in alphabetical order.

Renamed products

Renamed monitored products in alphabetical order by current name.

Renamed product terms Renamed products terms in alphabetical order by product term.

Designated medical events

New and deleted designated medical events in alphabetical order.

Targeted medical events

New and deleted targeted medical events for monitored products in alphabetical order by monitored product.

Listed events

New and deleted listed events for monitored products in alphabetical order by monitored product.

Product custom terms

New, edited, and deleted product custom terms in alphabetical order. The query used to define the custom term is shown.

Event custom terms

New, edited, and deleted event custom terms in alphabetical order. The query used to define the custom term is shown.

Signal configuration properties

Details of the signal configuration.

Activated alert types: Review period based

Details of the active alert types with review period based alert type rules, including Label, Tracked, Review Period, Condition.

Activated alert types: Complexity level based

Details of the active alert types with complexity level based alert type rules, including Label, Tracked, Complexity, Periodicity, Condition.

Refresh start date

Appears when viewing completed refreshes. Date and time that the refresh was executed.

Refresh created by

Appears when viewing completed refreshes. Name of the user who created the refresh.

Data as of

Appears when viewing completed refreshes. As of date for the refreshed data, if the data is timestamped.


Appears when viewing pending refreshes. Date and time that you accessed the Refresh Details page.