Apply upgrade scripts to Oracle Empirica Signal 8.x, 9.0.0.x, or 9.1.0.x schemas (upgrade only)

Schema upgrade is incremental. If you are upgrading from a version prior to Signal 9.1.0.x, multiple scripts need to be executed.

Perform these steps using the non-privileged user account on the application server.
  1. If you are upgrading from version 8.x, navigate to the Database/Signal8.1.1.1 directory, for example:

    $ cd /u01/stage/Database/Signal8.1.1.1

  2. If you are upgrading from version 8.0:
    1. As the Oracle Empirica Signal database user, execute the update_8_0_to_8_1.sql script to update the schema from 8.0 to 8.1.

      For example, for Oracle Empirica Signal 8.0:

      $ sqlplus webvdme@<TNS_NAME> @update_8_0_to_8_1.sql

      A password prompt appears.

    2. Enter the Oracle Empirica Signal database account password.
  3. If you are upgrading from version 8.0.x or 8.1.0.x:
    1. As the Oracle Empirica Signal database user, execute the update_8_1_to_8_1_1.sql script to update the schema from 8.1 to 8.1.1, for example:

      $ sqlplus webvdme@<TNS_NAME> @update_8_1_to_8_1_1.sql

      A password prompt appears.

    2. Enter the Oracle Empirica Signal database account password.
  4. If you're upgrading from 8.0.x, 8.1.0.x, 8.1.1, or
    1. Navigate to the database folder, for example:
      $ cd /u01/stage/Database/Signal9.0.0.0
    2. As the SYS database user, execute the update_8_1_1_to_9_0.sql script to update the schema from 8.1.x to 9.0, for example:
      $ sqlplus SYS@<TNS_NAME> as sysdba @update_8_1_1_to_9_0.sql

      A password prompt appears.

    3. Enter the SYS database account password.
    4. When the second password prompt appears, enter the Oracle Empirica Signal database account password.
  5. Perform the following steps to upgrade database schemas to 9.1.0.
    1. Navigate to the Database folder, for example:
      $ cd /u01/stage/Database/Signal9.1.0.0
    2. Using a text editor, open the update_9_0_to_9_1.sql file.
    3. Update WEBVDME_ACCOUNT and tablespace_name to actual value.
    4. As the SYS database user, execute the update_9_0_to_9_1.sql script to update the schema from 9.0.x to 9.1, for example:
      $ sqlplus SYS@<TNS_NAME> as sysdba @update_9_0_to_9_1.sql

      A password prompt appears.

    5. Enter the SYS database account password.
    6. Once the execution completes, verify update_9_0_to_9_1.log.
  6. Perform the following steps to upgrade database schemas to 9.2.0.
    1. Navigate to the Database folder, for example:
      $ cd /u01/stage/Database
    2. Using a text editor, open the update_9_1_to_9_2.sql file.
    3. Update WEBVDME_USER and TOPIC_WORKFLOW_USER to actual value.
    4. As the SYS database user, execute the update_9_1_to_9_2.sql script to update the schema from 9.1.0.x to 9.2, for example:
      $ sqlplus SYS@<TNS_NAME> as sysdba @update_9_1_to_9_2.sql

      A password prompt appears.

    5. Enter the SYS database account password.
    6. Once the execution completes, verify that there are no errors in the log files, update_9_1_to_9_2.log and update_all_smcs.log.


      When verifying the logs, ignore the following message: User or role 'DATA_ADMIN' does not exist.
  7. If you use the Oracle Empirica Topics feature, to upgrade the Oracle Empirica Topics schema:
    • If you are upgrading from Signal 8.0.x, 8.1.x, or 9.0.x :
      1. Using a text editor, open the update_twc_9_0_to_9_1.sql file.
      3. As the SYS database user, execute the update_twc_9_0_to_9_1.sql script to update TWC schema from 9.0.x to 9.1, for example:

        $ sqlplus SYS@<TNS_NAME> as sysdba @update_twc_9_0_to_9_1.sql

        A password prompt appears.

      4. Enter the SYS database account password.
      5. Once the execution completed, verify update_twc_9_0_to_9_1.log.
    • If you are upgrading from Signal 8.0.x, 8.1.x, 9.0.x, or 9.1.x:
      1. Using a text editor, open the update_twc_9_1_to_9_2.sql file.
      3. As the SYS database user, execute the update_twc_9_1_to_9_2.sql script to update TWC schema from 9.1.x to 9.2, for example:

        $ sqlplus SYS@<TNS_NAME> as sysdba @update_twc_9_1_to_9_2.sql

        A password prompt appears.

      4. Enter the SYS database account password.
      5. Once the execution completed, verify update_twc_9_0_to_9_1.log.