Set up the test data database account (installation only)

This procedure is optional.

Perform these steps using the non-privileged user account on the application server.

  1. Navigate to the /u01/stage/Database directory, for example:
    $ cd /u01/stage/Database

    If the TEST_IQOQ database account exists, drop the account:

    1. Execute the drop user command as the system user, for example:
      $ sqlplus system@<TNS_NAME>

      A password prompt appears.

    2. Enter the Oracle system account password.
      SQL> drop user TEST_IQOQ cascade;
    3. Exit SQL*PLUS.
  2. Create the TEST_IQOQ database user account and tables:
    1. Execute the 4_create_test_iqoq_oracle_user.sql script as the Oracle system user, for example:
      $ sqlplus system@<TNS_NAME> @4_create_test_iqoq_oracle_user.sql

      A password prompt appears.

    2. Enter the Oracle system account password.

      A second password prompt appears.

    3. Enter a password for the TEST_IQOQ database account.
    4. Reenter the password.
  3. Populate the TEST_IQOQ tables:
    1. Execute the 5_populate_test_iqoq.sql script as the test_iqoq database user, for example:
      $ sqlplus TEST_IQOQ@<TNS_NAME> @5_populate_test_iqoq.sql

      A password prompt appears.

    2. Enter the TEST_IQOQ database account password.