Configure Oracle Analytics

The Oracle Analytics configuration script stops and re-starts the Oracle Analytics server several times during configuration.

Each restart takes over 10 minutes.

After the installation completes, the following message appears:

* OAS configuration complete *
  1. Log into the Linux server hosting Oracle Analytics using the non-privileged account.
  2. Navigate to the following configuration script directory:

    cd linuxObieeDir/config

  3. If you are running OAS version 6.4, complete the following step. Otherwise, proceed to step 4.
    Edit and comment out the following lines:

    mv ${MIDDLEWARE_HOME}/bi/lib/bi-customization-utils.jar ${MIDDLEWARE_HOME}/bi/lib/bi-customization-utils.jar~

    cp ${CONFIG_HOME}/bi-customization-utils.jar ${MIDDLEWARE_HOME}/bi/lib/

    For example:

    #mv ${MIDDLEWARE_HOME}/bi/lib/bi-customization-utils.jar ${MIDDLEWARE_HOME}/bi/lib/bi-customization-utils.jar~

    #cp ${CONFIG_HOME}/bi-customization-utils.jar ${MIDDLEWARE_HOME}/bi/lib/
  4. Execute the following script:
