Copy Oracle Empirica Signal authenticator files to the Oracle Analytics Linux server

To support different security environments, configuration variables may be initialized (hard-coded) into the script file, or prompted for (interactively) in the script file.

Any combination of hard-coding and interactive prompting is supported except $. For example, leaving password values blank in would result in interactive prompts for the passwords in

  1. Create temporary working folders <tempFolder> and <linuxObieeDir> on the Linux machine hosting Oracle Analytics.
  2. Log into the Linux server using a privileged account and switch to a non-privileged account using the following sudo command:
    sudo su - <non-privileged account>
  3. Unzip the Signal-9_2_<x_x_xxx> into a temporary working folder <tempFolder>.

    The OBIEE directory is created in the <tempFolder> directory.

  4. Using your privileged account, issue the following command:

    sudo chmod -R 700 <tempFolder>

  5. From the Oracle Empirica Signal installation, copy the file into the <tempFolder>/OBIEE/empiricaprovider directory.
  6. If necessary, explicitly provide the file the permission to log in directly to the non-privileged account.


    The SSO plugin settings in the file must match the SSO settings used by Oracle Analytics. For example, if SSO is not enabled on Oracle Analytics, comment out the "sso" plugin lines in the file.
  7. If the Oracle Analytics Admin port is different than the default value of 9500, edit the <tempFolder>/OBIEE/empiricaprovider/ file, changing "port=9500" to "port=<AdminPort>", where "<AdminPort>" is the Oracle Analytics Admin port.
  8. Edit the <tempFolder>/OBIEE/config/ file. Set each variable in the initialize configuration variables section and record the new value. For more information, see About configuring Oracle Analytics authentication. If desired, leave sensitive configuration variables such as passwords blank. Blank values will be prompted for in the script.
  9. If you are customizing the topic workflow configuration for GVP Module IX:


    In the following steps you modify the file. Be sure to back up the file before proceeding.
    1. Edit and replace all occurrences of Topics.rpd with Topics_gvp.rpd.
    2. Save the file.
  10. Copy the <tempFolder>/OBIEE directory to the <linuxObieeDir> working directory on the Linux server. Record the full path to the <linuxObieeDir> directory.
  11. Using your privileged account, issue the following command:

    sudo chmod -R 700 <linuxObieeDir>