Add, edit, or change the name of a monitored product

Your organization chooses the products to monitor. For non-interactive signal configurations, Oracle creates the list of monitored products during preparation of the signal management data. You can add or edit a product to be monitored and change the name of the monitored product.
Add or edit a product to monitor


Product property values must be set up before you add a product. The values available when adding a product are defined when setting up the Signal Configuration.
  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Signal Review icon (Signal Review icon).
  2. From the Manage Reference Data menu (Manage Reference Data menu), in the upper right corner, select Add Product.
  3. In the Add/Edit Product window, fill in the fields according to the table below.
    • Code list values are defined on the Edit Product Fields page under Manage Signal Configurations. The code list values determine the Category, Complexity level, and Organization values available for selection.
    • To be considered for complexity-based alert type rules, products must have values for both Complexity level and Birthdate.
    • Review period values are used for alert type rules based on review period.
    • Complexity Level, Birthdate, and Review Period values have an impact on alert calculations. Changes made to these properties do not take effect until after the next refresh.
  4. Click Save.


    Statistical information and alerts will appear after the next refresh. Customers should contact Oracle for adding products to scripted signal configurations.
Change the name of a monitored product

Before you begin, consider the following:

  • You must have the Manage Signaling Terms user permission to rename a product.
  • Product names must be unique within the signal management configuration.
  • Product names must match what's in the data configuration.
  • Renames do not take effect until you refresh the signal configuration.
  • If you rename a product multiple times between signal management refreshes, the most recent rename is applied during the next refresh.
  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Signal Review icon (Signal Review icon).
  2. (Optional) From the Products By drop-down list, select a product grouping, then select a card to filter the Products table.
  3. Click the product's Row Action Menu (Row Action menu icon) and select Rename.
  4. In the New name text box, type the name. You can also select a product name from a list using the following links:
    • Select < hierarchy > Term—Appears if the product is associated with a hierarchy such as the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification System. For more information, see Select hierarchy terms.
    • Select Available Value—Displays valid product names. For more information, see Selecting values from a list.


    To prevent spelling and capitalization errors, we recommend that you select rather than type values.
  5. Click Save.
Field descriptions—Add/Edit Product window
Field Description


Unique name of the product.

For interactive signal configurations, you can select terms from a list using the following links:

  • Select < hierarchy > Terms —Appears if the product is associated with a hierarchy such as the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification System. For more information, see Selecting hierarchy terms.
  • Select Available Value—Displays valid product names. For more information, see Selecting values from a list.

Display name

Name displayed in the Products and Product-Event Combinations tables.


One of the categories defined for your signal configuration.

Complexity level

From None to High, or a custom level if defined. This impacts alert calculation. Changes made do not take effect until the next refresh.


Date the worldwide license went into effect, in >MM/DD/YYYY format. This impacts alert calculation. Changes made do not take effect until the next refresh.


Organization associated with this product, as defined for your signal configuration.

Review period

Frequency that evaluations take place for this product; for example, every 3 months, 6 months, or 1 year. This impacts alert calculation. Changes made do not take effect until the next refresh.

This field is required if an administrator set up the Review Period feature for the signal configuration.

Default view

Name of the signal view associated with the product.

Product group

Group associated with the product.

  • To select an existing group, click Select from existing groups and select from a list of groups.
  • To add a new group, click Add new group and type in a group name.

Note: Products, not reviewers, belong to groups.

Reviewers (optional)

Names of individual reviewers assigned to the product. Click Add Reviewers From List to select reviewers from a list. If the product is marked as participating in automatic assignment of reviewers, you can specify only one reviewer.

If there is already a reviewer assigned to the product, you can select no reviewer (--) to remove the assignment.

Reviewers available for assignment are users in login groups to which the signal configuration is assigned.

Participates in automatic assignment

Whether the product is eligible for automatic assignment of reviewers.

This option is only available if the Allow Automatic Assignment of Reviewers to product site option is enabled.