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Choosing the deployment type

The User Management Interface software comes with:

To select the deployment type:

  1. Open a Command Prompt window and change to the <provisioning_install_location>\Provisioning\ directory.
  2. Issue the following command:

    ProvisioningWebConfigFileSelector.cmd CONFIGURATION


    CONFIGURATION specifies the deployment type.

    For example:

    ProvisioningWebConfigFileSelector.cmd F5

    The utility replaces the InForm SDK\Provisioning\web.config file with one of the following files.

    Deployment configuration options

    Deployment type

    Deployment type configuration option

    Config file





    • Secure configuration for client requests sent over the Internet.
    • Supports HTTPS transport using SOAP 1.2.
    • Requires a Username Token in the SOAP Security header for providing the user name and password credentials to authenticate a request.

    Load balanced



    • Secure configuration for client requests sent over the Internet using a network load balancer.
    • Supports HTTPS into the network load balancer and HTTP out of it using SOAP 1.2.
    • Requires a Username Token in the SOAP Security header for providing the user name and password credentials to authenticate a request.
    • Verifies that the study name in the URL sent to the network load balancer matches the study name parameter in the SOAP request.

    LAN access



    • Unsecure configuration for client requests sent over a LAN from behind a firewall.
    • Supports HTTP transport and SOAP 1.2.
    • Does not perform request authentication.

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