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Predefined filters let you limit your report to specific subjects, visits, and forms.

Predefined Filters



All Enrolled Subjects

Limits the report to subjects who have been enrolled in the study. The resulting report includes all active subjects who were ever enrolled in any of these states:

  • Enrolled
  • Enroll Override
  • Randomized
  • Dropped Out
  • Complete

All Enrolled Subjects except Dropped

Limits the report to subjects who were ever enrolled in the study, excluding those subjects who dropped out. The resulting report includes data about subjects in any of these states:

  • Enrolled
  • Enroll Override
  • Randomized
  • Complete

Active Subjects

Limits the report to active subjects; that is, all subjects who have been enrolled in the study, excluding those who have dropped out or completed the study. The resulting report includes data about subjects in any of these states:

  • Enrolled
  • Enroll Override
  • Randomized

Clinical Visit

Limits the report to data about only clinical, or subject, visits. Use this filter to include information only about clinical visits in your report. This filter excludes data for these visit types:

  • Screening
  • Enrollment
  • Reg Docs
  • Visit Report

Clinical Form

Limits the report to information on clinical forms (forms whose type is CRF). This filter excludes these types of forms:

  • Enrollment
  • Monitor RegDoc
  • Monitor Visit Report

Expected Forms: Scheduled Visits

Limits the report to those clinical forms that are expected because they appear in scheduled visits.

Expected Forms: Scheduled or Started Visits

Limits the report to expected forms that are expected because they appear in scheduled or started visits.

Expected Forms: Scheduled or Started Visits to Date

Limits the report to forms that are expected because they appear in visits that are scheduled to occur or have started by a particular date. (This filter prompts the report user to enter a date.)

Expected Forms: Scheduled Visits or Started Forms to Date

Limits the report to forms that have started by a given date or are expected because they appear in visits that are scheduled to occur by a given date. (This filter prompts the report user to enter a date.)

Data Complete (Queries Allowed)

Limits the report to forms that are data complete; that is, forms for which all required items have been completed. Note that this filter includes forms that have associated queries in any state.

Data Complete, No Open Queries

Limits the report to data for forms that are data complete; that is, forms for which all required items have been completed. This filter excludes forms that have associated open queries and candidate queries.

Data Clean: Complete and SV

Limits the report to forms that are data complete and clean. This filter includes forms for which:

  • All required items have been completed.
  • All SV Required items have been source verified using the InForm application.

The filter excludes forms with open and answered queries associated with them.

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