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Sets up the InForm server environment. The parameters are stored in the registry. Therefore, you need local administrator privileges to run the utility.


<Installation_Directory>\InForm\bin folder.



Command parameters


Purpose and Syntax

CHECKREG [/Del] [/DelAll]

Displays the current InForm Server COM and MTS components in the NT registry.

WARNING: Be careful to remove the server(s) or uninstall the service before using either of the delete options:

  • [/Del]—Removes obsolete settings.
  • [/DelAll]—Removes the settings of all servers.

CONFIG Service
[/AdminDB DBServer ] |
[/AdminDSN DsnName ] |
[/AdminDN ] |
[/EmailSender valid_email_address] |
[/PfUser ] |
[/SysDBA ]

[/HelpUrl URL of internal help site index.html page]

[/SearchUrl “”]



Configures an existing service.

  • [/AdminDB DBServer [SQL]]—Sets the ODBC DSN for the InformAdmin database. Make sure that DBServer, UID, and PID are the same ones that were used to create the InformAdmin database. Use alphabetic or alphanumeric characters for the UID and PID, and begin them with a letter; do not use all numeric characters.
  • [/AdminDSN DsnName ]—Creates the ODBC DSN InForm software with the default database server, using the specified user name and password. Use alphabetic or alphanumeric characters for the UID and PID, and begin them with a letter; do not use all numeric characters.
  • [/EmailSender valid_email_address]—Creates the PFMngrExecutionPlan registry key and populates the EmailSender subkey with an email address to use during autodeployment notifications.
  • [/PfUser]—Creates the PfUser_computername account during the InForm installation. The account is for Microsoft MTS packages used by InForm servers. In general, you do not need to configure the account. If you change the password through NT User Manager, you must reconfigure the InForm Service with the new password.
  • [/SysDBA ]—Sets the InForm Service DBA user name and password. You can use this command to change the pfdbadmin password as needed.

    If you want to change the InForm Service DBA name, modify the provided SQL script InFormPrepORA.sql with the new user name and password, then run the script as a user with SYSDBA credentials. After running the script, use this command option to configure the InForm Service to use the new InForm Service DBA.

    Use alphabetic or alphanumeric characters for the UID and PID, and begin them with a letter; do not use all numeric characters.

  • [/HelpUrl URL of internal help site index.html page]—Changes the help link in the InForm user interface so that it points to a local URL instead of the default location on the Oracle Help Center (OHC).


  • [/SearchUrl “—Changes the OHC documentation library where searches are performed from the search field in the upper-right corner Help menu of the InForm user interface.

    To update the Help location, refer to the User Guide for Administrators.

CONFIG Server ServerName

Configures the startup mode for an existing server as either Automatic or Manual.

CONFIG Trial TrialName
[Automatic | Manual] |
[/TriDSN DSN |
[/RndDSN DSN] |
[/Rnd [TNS_Service_Name ]] |
[/Host ServerName] |
[/TrialType [UAT | LIVE | TRN | DEV | QA]] |
[/TrialApproval [TRUE | FALSE]] |
[/TrialMaintenance [ON | OFF]] |
[/DeployBackupFolder <"path_to_a_database_server_folder">]

Configures an existing study.

  • [Automatic | Manual]—Configures the study startup mode.
  • [/TriDSN DSN ]—Configures the study ODBC DSN. Use alphabetic or alphanumeric characters for the UID and PID, and begin them with a letter; do not use all numeric characters.
  • [/RndDSN DSN]—Configures the study to use the randomization source dataset name.
  • [/Rnd [TNS_Service_Name]—Creates a study randomization source dataset name.
  • [/Host ServerName]—Moves the study from current host server to another server in the InForm Service.
  • [/TrialType [UAT | LIVE | TRN | DEV | QA]]—Specify the type of study. Live studies are for production environments, UAT studies are for user acceptance testing, Training, Dev, and QA are for internal use.
  • [/TrialApproval [TRUE | FALSE]]—Specify whether a deployment package needs approval before it can be deployed to the InForm application. By default, Live and UAT studies are set to TRUE. Training, Dev, and QA studies are set to false.
  • [/TrialMaintenance [ON | OFF]]—Specify that a study is in Maintenance mode and is unavailable to users. This is set during study deployment.
  • [/DeployBackupFolder <"path_to_a_database_server_folder">]—Specify the path to an existing folder on the database server. This folder is the location used to store copies of the study database during deployment package processing.

[Enable | Disable] |
[DSN [Active | Inactive]] |
[DSN StudyLocale]

Configures an existing CDD:

  • [Enable | Disable]—Enables or disables the CDD for a particular study.
  • [DSN [Active | Inactive]]—Makes a CDD DSN active or inactive for a particular study.
  • [DSN StudyLocale]—Specifies the study locale used for the unit symbol translation that is stored in the CDD column for the unit symbol.
  • path_to_dsn_password_file—Configures an existing CDD DSN with the User ID and password specified. Use alphabetic or alphanumeric characters for the UID and PID, and begin them with a letter; do not use all numeric characters.

[AuthService | DeploymentService | ODMSubmitService] [Add [HTTP:port | HTTPS:port cert:thumbprint] | Remove]

Associates a web service with a study and specifies the port number each service should use.

  • [AuthService | DeploymentService | ODMSubmitService]—The type of service
  • [Add [HTTP:port | HTTPS:port cert:thumbprint] | Remove]—Creates or removes an association between a study and a web service


Creates the Reporting model from scratch.


Lists all the options of the pfdamin command.


Stops server MTS packages without stopping studies on the server.

PING MachineName
1 | 2 | 3:ServerName | 4:ServerName | 5:ServerName [Port#]

Pings the InForm Service or a particular server. The ping levels are:

  • 1—Ping the InForm Service.
  • 2—Ping the InForm Service and all InForm server(s).
  • 3—Ping the specified server.
  • 4—Ping and get information about the specified server.
  • 5—Ping the specified server and dump the user session to a server-side file.
  • [Port#]—Allows you to specify the port number the echo server is listening on, if you changed it.


Applies all study version changes to the review schema clinical tables.

If you use the /FORCE option, the InForm application does not check to see if there are study version changes that are not applied, and makes sure all study version changes are applied.

Note: The /FORCE option does not drop and re-create the clinical tables. It makes the clinical tables match the study version. The /FORCE option should only be used if recommended by Oracle.

This operation is synchronous. The study is unavailable during the operation.


Recreates the review schema database tables from the InForm schema. Depending on the size of the study, this can take a long time to run.

The Review schema study locale is chosen automatically when a study is first installed, but can be changed using this command.

[Server ServerName] |
[Trial TrialName [/DSN]] |
[CDD TrialName [/All | DSN]

Removes an existing server, study, or CDD.

  • [Server ServerName]—Removes an InForm server from the InForm Service. Studies should be either reconfigured to other servers or removed before this command is run.
  • [Trial TrialName [/DSN]]—Deletes the named study from the InForm Service. The Web virtual directories and folders for the study are physically removed. Use the /DSN option to remove the study-related DSNs.
  • [CDD TrialName [/All | DSN]—Removes either all CDD DSNs in the specified study or the given CDD by DSN.

Note: Before using the PFADMIN REMOVE command, verify that IIS is running.


Scans existing rules and execution plans, and outputs a list of rules that violate the allowed rule objects list and marks the rules as valid or invalid.


Scans existing rules and execution plans, and outputs a list of rules that violate the allowed rule objects list. This is an informational scan only; it does not mark rules as valid or invalid.

[Site TrialName MachineName] |
[MedMLInstaller TrialName MachineName] |
[Reporting TrialName ReportingUrl] |
[ReportingAN TrialName AuthenticationNamespace] |
[ReportingUR TrialName UserRoot] |
[ReportingInt TrialName ReportingInternalURI] |
[pfreportinguserpw TrialName] |
[systempw TrialName] |
[TrialURL TrialName TrialURL]


Changes the MedML and Site servers and sets the Reporting configuration settings.

  • [Site TrialName MachineName]—Set a site for the study. MachineName is the host name.
  • [MedMLInstaller TrialName MachineName]—Set the hostname for which MedML can be installed. MachineName is the host name.
  • [Reporting TrialName ReportingUrl]—Set Cognos URL for study.
  • [ReportingAN TrialName AuthenticationNamespace]—Set Cognos AuthenticationNamespace for study.
  • [ReportingUR TrialName UserRoot]—Set Cognos UserRoot for study.
  • [ReportingInt TrialName ReportingInternalURI]—Set the internal URI that the InForm server uses to communicate with the Cognos server.
  • [pfreportinguserpw TrialName]—Run this pfadmin command after the password for the pfreportinguser is changed in the InForm user interface to set a property used by Reporting when it needs the credentials of the pfreportinguser user for building the model.

    pfreportinguser is the preferred studyuser to run pfrinit to configure Cognos for each study.

  • [systempw TrialName]—Set the password for the system user for the specified study. The command also activates the system user.
  • TrialURL TrialName TrialURL]—Set the vanity URL for the specified study. Enter the URL that you use to access the study, including the tenant name.

Note: The SETSERVER command requires that you set the Default Authentication Level property of the InForm server to Connect:

To set this property:

  1. Select Administrative Tools > Component Services > My Computer - Properties.
  2. Set the Default Properties - Default distributed communication properties - Default Authentication Level value to Connect.

SETUP Server ServerName [Automatic]

Creates a new InForm server in the InForm Service.

  • [Automatic]—The server is automatically started with the InForm Service. Manual startup is the default.

SETUP Trial TrialName ServerName
[/DB OracleConnStr] |
[/DSN TriDSN [Automatic]

Creates a study on the given InForm server with the option to either create a new ODBC DSN or use an existing one. The server has to be created. The study startup mode is Manual by default. Use the Automatic option to automatically start the study when the InForm server that hosts the study is started.

  • [/DB OracleConnStr UID PID]—Creates an ODBC DSN TrialName with the given ServerName, UID, and PID. Use alphabetic or alphanumeric characters for the UID and PID, and begin them with a letter; do not use all numeric characters.
  • [/DSN TriDSN UID PID [Automatic]]—Configures the created study TrialName to use the given study dataset name TriDSN, UID, and PID. The study must be present in the ODBC DSN. Use alphabetic or alphanumeric characters for the UID and PID, and begin them with a letter; do not use all numeric characters.

Note: Before using the /DSN command, verify that IIS is running.

SETUP CDD RefName TrialName
/DB OracleConnStr DSN
[/TBSP OraTBSP] [Active] [NoSchema]

Sets up a new CDD DSN associated with the given CDD refname. Use alphabetic or alphanumeric characters for the UID and PID, and begin them with a letter; do not use all numeric characters.

  • [/TBSP OraTBSP]—Defines the Oracle tablespace for the CDD schema.
  • [Active]—Specifies that the DSN is transactional.
  • [NoSchema]—Indicates that no new CDD schema should be created during setup. The existing database is not touched. By default, the user is dropped and the Oracle database destroyed. Then, a new schema is created and populated based on the RefName that defines the schema.

Note: To execute this command successfully, the study must be started.

SETUP CDD RefName TrialName
/DSN DSN [/TBSP OraTBSP] [Active] [NoSchema]

Sets up an existing DSN associated with the given CDD RefName. Use alphabetic or alphanumeric characters for the UID and PID, and begin them with a letter; do not use all numeric characters.[/TBSP OraTBSP]—Defines the Oracle tablespace for the CDD schema.

  • [Active]—Makes the DSN transactional.
  • [NoSchema]—Indicates that no new CDD schema should be created during setup. The existing database is not touched. By default, the user is dropped and the Oracle database destroyed. Then, a new schema is created and populated based on the RefName that defines the schema.

    Note: To execute this command successfully, the study must be started.



| en-US | ja-JP |

Sets the InForm product locale language. en-US and ja-JP are currently supported.

[Server ServerName] |
[Trial TrialName]

Starts an existing InForm server or study.

  • [Server ServerName]—Starts an existing InForm server by server name.
  • [Trial TrialName]—Starts an existing study by study name.

[Trial TrialName [/Design]]

Starts the study in design mode. This means you can install study components that are not completely designed (strict checking is not in force). By default, the study starts in production mode.

[Server ServerName [/Trials]] |
[Trial TrialName [/Anyway]]

Stops an existing InForm server or study.

  • [Server ServerName [/Trials]]—Stops an existing InForm server by server name. By default, a running server can be stopped if there is no study running and no other application connected to it. The Trials keyword stops all running studies, and then stops the server.
  • [Trial TrialName [/Anyway]]—Stops the named study. The Anyway keyword stops a study regardless of any connections or HTTP requests.


Removes all InForm servers and studies, and then removes the InForm service settings PfUser_computername and the MTS library package.

Note: The InForm service must be running for the command to work.


[StudyName ["siteMnemonic"]  [-UpgradeStudyVersion]] |
[SetWFThreadsNumber StudyName NumberOfThreads] |
[GetWFThreadsNumber StudyName]


Configures and performs the update workflow process.

  • [StudyName [siteMnemonic] [ -UpgradeStudyVersion]]—Triggers the update workflow process.

    If a siteMnemonic is specified,  the process is executed only at that site, otherwise it is executed at all sites. The siteMnemonic must be enclosed in double quotes if it contains a space.

    If the flag -UpgradeStudyVersion is used, the site is updated to the latest study version before update workflow runs.

  •  [GetWFThreadsNumber StudyName]—Returns the current setting for the number of threads used for update workflow for the study. The default is 2.
  • [SetWFThreadsNumber StudyName NumberOfThreads] —Sets the number of threads processing the workflow update for the study. The value can be set between 1 and 32.

    Caution: You should not adjust this setting without input from Oracle Global Support. If the performance of your study deployment or study migration is too slow (for example, timeouts happen), contact Oracle Global Support for assistance.

[Languages] | [Service] |
[Server ServerName] |
[Trial TrialName] |
[CDD TrialName] | [Reporting TrialName]

Displays a monitoring list of all servers in the InForm service, all studies in servers, or all RefNames for CDD DSNs configured for a study.

  • [Languages]—Lists installed languages without starting the InForm Service.
  • [Service]
    • Lists all the servers and studies in the InForm service.
    • Lists installed product languages as well as the actual installed product language.
  • [Server ServerName]—Lists each server by server name and studies hosted on that server.
  • [Trial TrialName]—Lists a study by its name.
  • [CDD TrialName]—Lists the RefNames for each CDD DSN configured for the specified study.
  • [Reporting TrialName]—Lists the current status of Reporting.
    • States whether the study is configured for Reporting.
    • Specifies the type of reporting setup, for example samedb.
    • Specifies the reporting username.
    • Gives the date of the last Cognos model update.
    • Reports if the Reporting database is up-to-date.
    • States whether Oracle streams are working properly (if applicable).

Command line prompts

Depending on the options you specify, you are prompted for the following parameters:

For pfadmin setup or pfadmin config commands:

For pfadmin setserver commands:


Check the status of InForm Reporting:

pfadmin view reporting pfst63

Check the status of InForm servers and studies on an InForm Service:

pfadmin view service

Start the demo InForm server:

pfadmin start server demo

Start the sample study:

pfadmin start study sample

Stop all studies running on the demo InForm server, and then stop the demo server:

pfadmin stop server demo /Trials

Set the password and activate the system user account:

pfadmin setserver systempw pfst63


Any arguments containing commas, equal signs, or spaces must be enclosed within double quotes.

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