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Exports the InForm study and related configurations for migration.

Creates the database dump(s) as named on the database server in the given location, creating logs and export files in the specified log folder.

Note: The ExportMigrationFiles command copies the InForm Publisher configuration, if it is present.




ExportMigrationFiles [connection string] /prompt [log options]
ExportMigrationFiles [connection string] /accountparams:[paramfile] [log options]





Database TNS Instance Name


Path to text file containing the list of parameters.

log options

Optional parameters for specifying the log file name and/or location.

The log file defaults to being named ExportMigrationFiles.log.

The log file path defaults to the current working directory.


  • /LogFile:[filespec]
    • filespec = fully qualified name and path for created log file. If a relative path is given, it is based from the current working folder.
    • Overrides the logfile-path to be the resolved path to the given filespec.
    • Overrides the logfile-name to be the resolved name of the given filespec.
    • Do not specify this if either of the other logging options are specified.
  • /LogFilePath:[pathspec]
    • pathspec = fully qualified path to create the log file in. If a relative path is given, it is based from the current working folder.
    • Overrides the logfile-path to be the resolved path to the given pathspec.
    • Does not change logfile-name.
  • /LogFileName:[filename]
    • filespec = Filename for the log file.
    • Overrides the logfile-name for the log file.
    • Does not change logfile-path.

Command line prompts

You are prompted for the following parameters:

Parameter file contents

When using a parameter file, the path to a text file is given. The format of the parameter file is parameter=value, with each value on a separate line, and no spaces between the parameter name, =, and value.

The parameter file must contain the following parameters:

The parameter file may contain the following parameters:

Note: Do not include spaces in the dump file name or the directory path to the dump file.


ExportMigrationFiles trial1 /prompt
ExportMigrationFiles trial1 /accountparams:exportparams.txt
ExportMigrationFiles trial1 /prompt /logfilepath:c:\trialexport
ExportMigrationFiles trial1 /accountparams:exportparams.txt /logfilepath:c:\trialexport


The following logs are created in the log files path:

Exported files will be located in a subdirectory of the log files path named ExportFiles. This folder contains the files that will need to be copied to the target Application Server for the Migration. The Export files created in this folder are:

The database dump files must be copied from the source database server to the target database server, and placed in the dump_file_dir_path specified in the import parameters. These files must all have permissions set such that they are readable by all users.

Note: If error messages indicating that the system cannot find the paths specified for the System Product Locale and the System Study Locale appear, disregard the messages and continue with the migration.

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