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Imports an InForm study database dump file that was created by the ExportMigrationFiles command into a new database instance, and creates and configures the InForm study based on command parameters supplied when the command runs.

Note: The ImportMigrationFiles command registers the study with InForm Adapter (if the InForm Adapter parameters are all specified), and with InForm Publisher (if the InForm Publisher parameters are provided).




ImportMigrationFiles [connection string] /prompt [/AdditionalParametersFile:[optionsfile]] [/IgnoredImportErrorsFile:[ignorederrors]] [log options] [/resume:resumelabel]
ImportMigrationFiles [connection string] /accountparams:[paramfile] [/AdditionalParametersFile:[optionsfile]] [/IgnoredImportErrorsFile:[ignorederrors]] [log options] [/resume:resumelabel]





Database TNS Instance Name


Path to text file containing the list of parameters.


Optional path to text file containing list of additional import parameters. These options are added to the default import parameters, allowing customization of the import operation.

Note: Contact Oracle Global Support for assistance if the import fails. This parameter is for advanced/internal Support use only. Operations such as remap_tablespace and remap_schema should be added to the file, each on a separate line, with no intervening spaces. For example:



Optional path to text file containing list of errors to be ignored during import.

This file is formatted as one error per line. The line must exactly match (through case insensitive comparison) the error for it to be ignored. Only lines containing ‘ORA-‘ and ‘IMP-‘ are examined.

Note: Contact Oracle Global Support for assistance if the import fails. This parameter is for advanced/internal Support use only.


Internal label to resume operations at.

Note: Contact Oracle Global Support for assistance if the import fails. This parameter is for advanced/internal Support use only.

log options

Optional parameters for specifying the log file name and/or location.

The log file defaults to being named ImportMigrationFiles.log.

The log file path defaults to the current working directory.


  • /LogFile:[filespec]
    • filespec = fully qualified name and path for created log file. If a relative path is given, it is based from the current working folder.
    • Overrides the logfile-path to be the resolved path to the given filespec.
    • Overrides the logfile-name to be the resolved name of the given filespec.
    • Do not specify this if either of the other logging options are specified.
  • /LogFilePath:[pathspec]
    • pathspec = fully qualified path to create the log file in. If a relative path is given, it is based from the current working folder.
    • Overrides the logfile-path to be the resolved path to the given pathspec.
    • Does not change logfile-name.
  • /LogFileName:[filename]
    • filespec = Filename for the log file.
    • Overrides the logfile-name for the log file.
    • Does not change logfile-path.

Command line prompts

If using prompting, you will be prompted for the following parameters:



InForm Study Name

Name of the InForm study you will create to import the dmp file.

InForm Server Name


Name of the InForm server to run the study.

Study Schema Owner User ID

Study database schema owner user id for the migrated study.

Study Schema Owner User Password

Study database schema owner’s password for the migrated study. Must conform to local password requirements.

Original Study Schema Owner’s User ID

Study Schema Owner’s User ID from the source environment. If not using a new User ID in the migrated study, this can be left blank.

InForm Database Administrator User ID

Name for the InForm Database Administrator.

Defaults to pfdbadmin if left blank.

InForm Database Administrator Password

Password for the InForm Database Administrator.

Database Dump File Directory Path

Location on the InForm Database Server where the dump file(s) are located. Must conform to the Database Servers path format (for example, path separators are \ on Windows, / on Linux)

Trial Database Dump Name

File name for the Trial Schema Database Dump that is being imported.

Defaults to <trial-schema-owner-id>.dmp if not specified.

Dump File InForm Version

The full version of InForm that the study was exported from (for example, Only migrations from InForm and up are supported.

Trial Type

Study type for the imported study.

  • LIVE
  • UAT
  • TRN
  • DEV
  • QA

Trial Approval

  • TRUE if you require approval for any deployment package.
  • FALSE if your study does not require deployment package approval.

    Note: By default, Live and UAT studies require study approval.

Deployment Backup Folder

Path on the InForm database server that will be used for database recovery during study deployment. Path must conform to the Database Server OS Path format (for example, path separators are \ on Windows, / on Linux).

For example /u01/app/deploybackup.

Note: The physical path must exist before you run the ImportMigrationFiles command.

Deployment Service Port

Port number for Central Designer to communicate with the InForm application server to transmit deployment packages.

Defaults to 14040 if left blank.

Auth Service Port

Port number for the InForm application server to authenticate users for the Reporting and Analysis module.

Defaults to 14041 if left blank.

ODM Service port

Port number for the Clinical Data API to exchange SOAP requests through HTTP.

Defaults to 14042 if left blank.

InForm Adapter Schema Owner User ID

InForm Adapter Schema User ID if the study is to be registered with InForm Adapter.

Leave blank if not registering the study.

InForm Adapter Schema Owner Password

InForm Adapter Schema User Password if the study is to be registered with InForm Adapter.

Leave blank if not registering the study.

InForm Adapter Virtual Directory URL

InForm Adapter Schema Virtual Directory URL if the study is to be registered with InForm Adapter.

Leave blank if not registering the study.

InForm Publisher Trial Name from Source Environment

Name of the study as configured with InForm Publisher in the source environment.

May be left blank if the study is not being renamed during the migration.

Path to InForm Publisher Configuration File

Path to the InForm Publisher configuration file from the source app server if the trial is to be registered with Publisher. Leave blank if trial is not to be registered with Publisher.

Path to InForm Publisher Key File

Enter the path to the InForm Publisher configuration Key file from the source application server if the study is to be registered with InForm Publisher.

Leave blank if the study is not to be registered with InForm Publisher.

Parameter file contents

When using a parameter file, the path to a text file is given. The format of the parameter file is parameter=value, with each value on a separate line, and no spaces between the parameter name, =, and value.

The parameter file must contain the following parameters:




InForm study name to create.


Name of the InForm server to create the imported study in.


Trial Schema Owner User ID for the imported study.


Password for the Trial Schema Owner User for the imported study. Must conform to local password requirements.


InForm Database Administrator Password.


Location on the Database Server where the import dump file(s) are located.


The full version of InForm that the study was exported from (for example, Only migrations from InForm and up are supported.


  • UAT
  • LIVE
  • TRN
  • DEV
  • QA




Path on the InForm Database server that will be used for database recovery during study deployment.

The parameter file may contain the following additional parameters:




Study Owner User ID in source environment if different from trial_user.

Not needed if the Schema Owner User ID is not being changed for the target Application Server.


InForm Database Administrator User ID.

Defaults to pfdbadmin if not specified.


Trial Schema dump filename.

If not specified, uses the default of [trial_user].dmp.


HTTP port number for Central Designer to communicate with the InForm application server to transmit deployment packages.

Recommended port is 14040. However, any port other than 80 or 443 can be used.

Defaults to 14040 if not specified.


HTTP port number for InForm to authenticate users for the Reporting and Analysis module.

Recommended port is 14041. However, any port other than 80 or 443 can be used.

Defaults to 14041 if not specified.


HTTP port number for the Clinical Data API to exchange SOAP requests.

Recommended port is 14042. However, any port other than 80 or 443 can be used.


HTTPS Port for the ODM service, no HTTPS access if not specified.


Path to file containing list of import errors to be ignored.


Path to file containing additional import parameters.


Comma delimited list of additional schemas to be imported.

Names are case sensitive and must match the base name of the schema dump file that was or will be copied to the database server


InForm Adapter Schema UID if study is to be registered with InForm Adapter.


InForm Adapter Schema PID if study is to be registered with InForm Adapter.


InForm Adapter URL if study is to be registered with InForm Adapter.


Study name as it appearsin the source Publisher Configuration. May be left blank if the study is not being renamed during import.


Path to source InForm Publisher Configuration file if study is to be registered with InForm Publisher.


Path to source InForm Publisher Configuration Key file if study is to be registered with InForm Publisher.


Based on the parameters submitted when the command runs, the ImportMigrationFiles command imports the InForm study database dump file, and performs study configuration tasks, including:

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