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Downloading admin data, metadata, and patient data

  1. Start the ODM Sampler tool and connect to a study.
  2. If it is not already selected, select the Download Snapshot ODM tab. Follow the steps listed in the table for each method.

ODM Export method



  • Click DownloadAdminData.

    In the results pane, response XML for DownloadAdminData appears in a separate tab.


  • Click GetSiteList.

    A list of site numbers and names appears, and in the results pane, response XML for GetSiteList appears in a separate tab.

    Note: The calls using F5 with certificates are provided to prove that the calls to InForm Adapter are successful.


  • Click DownloadMetadata.

    In the results pane, response XML for DownloadMetadata appears in a separate tab.


  1. Click GetSiteList.
  2. Select a site.
  3. Click GetPatientList.

    A list of patient initials and numbers appears, and in the results pane, the response XML for GetPatientList appears in a separate tab.


  1. Click GetSiteList.
  2. Select a site.
  3. Click GetPatientList.
  4. Select a patient.
  5. Click GetPatientForms.

    A list of forms appears, and in the results pane, the response XML for GetPatientForms appears in a separate tab.

Note: This sample application does not handle transactions that don't satisfy the client-side filters, such as SV subject pool transactions.

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