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Setting up the phone menu in IRT

Phone menus are required for every IRT study. Because different users require different menus, you can configure phone menus for relevant roles and functions in IRT.

  1. Access IRT.
  2. Click Configurations (Configurations tab (main menu)).
  3. On the left, click Manage Permissions.

    A table of functions (vertical list on the left) and permissions (horizontal list across the top) appears. For descriptions of the fields on this page, see Manage Permissions page. You can assign functions to roles by selecting the checkboxes. There are text boxes under the checkboxes for the functions that can be accessed in the phone.

    Field descriptions for phone-related functions and permissions

  4. Locate the role in the Function/Role heading at the top of the page.
  5. Scan the list of functions to find the first the phone function the role should be able to access.

    The functions are organized by menu on the left side of the page.

  6. Select the checkbox in the row for the function below the role to allow the role to access this function, or deselect it to remove access.
  7. To assign a phone menu number to a user role and function, type the number in the text box under the checkbox for the phone function.

    This number must be unique within the menu (example: all numbers in Subjects).

  8. Repeat steps 4 - 7 for each function the role should be permitted to access.
  9. Click Submit.
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