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Setting the Do Not Dispense (DND) date

You can set the Do Not Dispense (DND) date for any visit in which drug units are dispensed and for all drug units that are dispensed during that visit.

The DND date is calculated as:

Dispense Date < = Lot Expiration Date – Days from Expiry (DND)

On the Manage Visit Schedule page, you set the Days from Expiry (DND) in this calculation.

  1. Click Configurations (Configurations tab (main menu)).
  2. On the left, click Manage Visit Schedule.

    For descriptions of the fields on this page, see Manage Visit Schedule page.

  3. Find the visit whose DND date you want to change, and click Edit.
  4. Click the Drug Assignment tab.
  5. Find the drug whose DND date you want to change, and click Edit on the right side of the row.
  6. In the DND column, select the maximum number of days before the expiration date that subjects can receive the drug units.
  7. Click Submit.
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