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Requesting a manual order by sequence range

For depot-to-depot shipments, you can request a manual order by sequence range.

  1. Click Supplies (Sites tab (main menu)).
  2. On the left, in the Drug Order section, click Request Manual.

    For descriptions of the fields on this page, see Order Transactions page.

  3. From the Destination drop-down list, select the destination of the supply order.
  4. From the Source drop-down list, select the source of the supply order.

    Request a manual order by sequence range is only available for depot-to-depot shipments.

  5. From the Select By drop-down list, select Sequence Range.
  6. From the Label Group drop-down list, select the label group.

    This drop-down list appears only if the drug units or lots in the order are associated with a label group.

    A list of available supply unit types for shipment appear. The list identifies the quantities of supplies that are waiting to be processed or that are in-transit.

    The quantities are read-only if the drug units are:

    • Waiting to be processed in the predefined frequency.
    • In transit and not confirmed as arrived.
  7. In the Select Supply column, select the checkbox for supply unit type.
  8. In the Sequence Start and Sequence Stop columns, type the lower and upper limit of the range you want to order.
  9. (optional) To update the quantity in the defined range, click Refresh Quantity.

    The quantity column updates the number of units available for shipment.

  10. Click Submit.
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