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Checking approval status (requester)

You can check the status of a request for approval for any subject whose visit schedule you can access. The visit schedule includes detail on the status of a pending visit (examples: name of approver, type of request).

A subject affected by a request for approval is locked (Locked subject) until the request is reviewed and either approved or rejected.

  1. Click Subjects (Subjects tab (main menu)).
  2. On the left, click Subject Transactions.
  3. Find the subject in the list.

    The subject with a pending request has a lock symbol (Locked subject) next to the Subject Number.

  4. Select the row with the locked subject.

    The visit schedule appears. The visit affected by the approval request has a lock symbol (Locked subject) next to the visit name.

  5. Select the link for the affected visit.
  6. Review the Pending Approvals Status section.
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