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Applying a new drug status at a site

If you are a site user, follow these steps to apply a status to selected drug units. The list of drug statuses is set up during study design.

  1. Click Supplies (Sites tab (main menu)).
  2. On the left, in the Inventory section, select Inventory Management.

    For descriptions of the fields on this page, see Inventory Management page.

  3. From the Site/ Depot drop-down list, select the site.
  4. From the Current Drug Unit Status drop-down list, select the current status of the drug units you want to modify.
  5. From the Lot & Expiration Date drop-down list, select the lot number.

    The form displays the serialized and non-serialized drug units in the lot. Not all lots contain both types of drug units.

  6. For sites with serialized drugs:
    1. From the Serialized Drugs list, select the drug units to which you want to apply the status.

      Use the Ctrl key to select multiple drug units.

    2. Click Select All to select all drug units in the list, or select Deselect All to deselect all drug units in the list.
  7. For sites with non-serialized drugs:
    • In the Non-Serialized Drugs area, type the Quantity to Update to indicate the number of drug units to which you want to apply the status.
    • (optional) Create a filter to locate specific drug units.
  8. From the New Drug Status drop-down list, select a new status.
  9. (optional) In the Comments text box, type a comment about the change.
  10. Click Submit.
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