4 Adding and Modifying Lookup Values

This chapter contains the following topics:

About Lookups

Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub uses predefined lists of values for many items such as drop-down lists in the user interface.

These are based on lookups in the seed data shipped with Oracle LSH. You can modify some of these lists of values.

Many database object type attributes used in Oracle LSH public APIs have lists of values based on these lookups (also called reference codelists); the naming convention is to end these attributes' names with _rc. You can use the procedures in this section to look up the allowed values for these attributes.

To view or modify Oracle LSH lookups, you must have the LSH Setup Admin privilege.

The changes you can make depend on the access level defined for each lookup:

  • System. You cannot change anything.
  • Extensible. You can create additional values and modify them but you cannot modify predefined ones.

    User. You can create additional values and change the text displayed in the user interface for existing values (the "meaning"), and discontinue the use of predefined and user-defined values.


    If you change the text displayed in the user interface for existing values, the Oracle LSH documentation and online help will not reflect what is in the user interface, which may cause confusion.

Modifiable Lookups

You can modify the following lookups in Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub:

File Types

(CDR_FILE_TYPES) The access level is Extensible. This lookup is used in defining Source Code types; see "Defining Programs" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide. The predefined values are Macro, Program, Oracle Reports, and SQL.

Font Name

(CDR_FONT_NAME) The access level is User. This lookup is used in Report Set post-processing; see "Defining Report Sets" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide. The predefined values are Arial and Courier. If you prefer to use different fonts in your PDF Report Sets, you can add those fonts as values.

OTD Default Papersize

(CDR_OTD_DEFAULT_PAPERSIZES) The access level is User. This lookup is used in Report Set post-processing; see "Defining Report Sets" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide. The predefined values are A4 and US Letter.

Report Type

(CDR_REPORT_TYPE) The access level is User. This lookup is used in Report Set definition; see "Defining Report Sets" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide. The predefined values are Figure, Listing, and Table.

SAS IDE Client

(CDR$SAS_IDE_CLIENT) The access level is User. This lookup allows users to set a preference for which SAS client to use. There is one predefined value: SAS PC, which allows users to use PC SAS for Windows. If you want users to be able to use SAS Enterprise Guide, for example, add another meaning value of SAS EG with a code value of $SAS_IDE_CLIENT$SAS_EG.


If you do not want your users to use PC SAS and do not want the SAS IDE Client option to appear in User Preferences, delete the SAS PC value. If you want to add it again later, you must enter its code value as: $SAS_IDE_CLIENT$SAS_PC.

To delete the value, select it and select Delete from the Edit menu. Do not delete the lookup itself.

Service Type

(CDR_SERVICE_TYPES) The access level is Extensible. This lookup is used in defining services; see Setting Up Services. The predefined values are: BI Publisher, BI Publisher Development, Zip Utility, Informatica, Informatica for Development, OBIEE Business Area Deploy Service, OBIEE Deployment Service, OBIEE Business Area IDE Service, OBIEE Business Area Install Service, Oracle Export, Oracle Warehouse Builder, PLSQL, PLSQL for Development, Oracle Reports for Development, Oracle Reports, SAS, SAS for Development, SQLPLUS, Text for SqlLoader, Workflow, XML Publisher, and XML Reports.

Summary Output Validation Status

(CDR_SOVS) The access level is User. This lookup is used in Report Set validation; see "Defining Report Sets" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide. The predefined values are Development, Quality Control, Production, Unassigned, and Not Applicable. You can change the displayed text for the existing values (in the Meaning column) but do not add values.

System Validation Steps

(CDR_SYS_VALIDATION_STEPS) The access level is User. This lookup is used in object validation; see "Common Development Tasks" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide. The predefined values are Development, Quality Control, Production, and Retired. You can change the displayed text for the existing values (in the Meaning column) but do not add values.

Tablespace Names

(CDR_TABLESPACE_NAMES) The access level is Extensible. When users define a Table instance, they can select a tablespace for it; see "Defining Tables" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide. The predefined values are APPS_TS_ARCHIVE, APPS_TS_MEDIA, and APPS_TS_TX_DATA.

Technology Types

(CDR_TECH_TYPES) The access level is Extensible. This lookup is used in Load Set, Data Mart, Business Area, Program, Report Set, and Workflow definition and execution. The predefined values are Oracle Clinical Design Definition, Oracle Clinical DX Views, Oracle Clinical DX SAS Views, Oracle Clinical General, Oracle Clinical Global Meta, Oracle Clinical Labs, Oracle Clinical Study, Oracle, Oracle Export Data Mart, PLSQL, Oracle Reports, Report Set, SAS Program, SAS Macro Catalog, SAS Data Mart, SAS Development, SAS Format Catalog, SAS Load Set, SAS tmp, SQLP, Text, Text Data Mart, Workflow, XML Publisher.

If you add an adapter to an external system you need to add the new technology type to this lookup.

Logging In

To modify lookup values, do the following:

  1. Open your Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub URL and log in as a user with the LSH Administrator application role.
  2. From the Navigator drop-down, select LSH Setup Admin, then Setups, then Lookups. An Oracle Applications window opens with the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Lookups window displayed.

Querying and Viewing Lookups

To view a lookup, or reference codelist, query for it as follows. Further information is available in the online help.

See Modifiable Lookups for a list of Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub lookups you can modify.
  1. Press the F11 key. The window enters Query mode and changes the background color of some of the fields.
  2. In the Type field, enter the name of the lookup you want to see. You can enter part of the name and use the % wildcard. You can enter cdr% to retrieve all Oracle LSH lookups or dme% to retrieve all DMW lookups—then use the down arrow on the keyboard to view them in alphabetical order.


    During its initial development, Oracle LSH was known as CDR. Therefore many internal names contain the string cdr. Please think of CDR as a synonym for LSH.

    Please think of DME as a synonym for DMW for the same reason.

  3. Press Ctrl+F11 to enter the query. The system displays the lookup and all its current values, including predefined values and those your company has previously added (if any). If your query retrieved more than one lookup, use the Down arrow on your keyboard to view each lookup in turn.

The following information is displayed for each value:

  • Code is the internal name for the value.
  • Meaning is the text that appears on the user interface, exactly as it appears here.
  • Description is an explanation of the value.
  • Tag is an optional descriptor.
  • Effective Dates. The From column contains the date the value was created in your location. The To column may contain a date; if so, this is the date on which the value became or will become unavailable for use. If there is not a date in either column, the value is in effect.

Adding, Modifying, or Discontinuing a Lookup Value

Depending on the access level assigned to a lookup, you may be able to change its displayed text (the "Meaning") and add, modify, and discontinue existing values.

See Modifiable Lookups.

The Lookups user interface is part of Oracle Applications functionality not specific to Oracle LSH. Additional information is available in the online help.