16 Monitoring Jobs

In the Job Execution subtab of the Administration tab, you can query for and monitor any job submitted by any user. To perform the tasks in this chapter, you must have the LSH System Administrator functional role.

This chapter contains the following topics:

About Execution in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub

Oracle LSH execution is based on the Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB) runtime execution platform.

Oracle LSH passes every internal and user-submitted job to an OWB operator of the appropriate technology type. If OWB is down, Oracle LSH jobs do not run. Information on restarting OWB is included in Starting, Stopping, and Checking the Distributed Processing Service.

If the job requires execution by one of the integrated processing engines (such as SAS, Oracle Reports, or PL/SQL) Oracle LSH assigns the job to a service defined for that processing engine. The Oracle LSH Distributed Processing (DP) Server on the service location must be running for jobs of these types to run. Information about restarting the DP Server is included in Starting, Stopping, and Checking the Distributed Processing Service.

See "Execution and Data Handling" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide for additional information on execution and data handling in Oracle LSH. See "Using, Installing, and Cloning Work Areas" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide for information on Work Area installation.

Querying for Jobs

You can view information on any job submitted by any user in the Administration tab.

Jobs that you personally have submitted also appear in the Job Execution section of your My Home screen.

To query for one or more jobs, enter values in the following fields:

  1. Select one of the following:
    • Show results when ALL conditions are met. If selected, the system returns only jobs that meet all the conditions you specify in the fields below.
    • Show results when ANY condition is met. If selected, the system returns all jobs that meet any of the conditions you specify in the fields below.
  2. Enter a value in at least one of the fields listed here to serve as a search criterion. You can enter any number of criteria.

    Range Fields. In each of the following fields you can select Equal To, Greater Than, Less Than, or Between from the drop-down list. You then enter a value in the empty field next to the drop-down list. If you select Between, you must also enter a value in the empty field on the right in the same row.

    The range fields include:

    • Submission Date. Search by the date the job was submitted. Click on the day you want in the calendar.
    • Start Date. Search by the date the job was started. Click on the day you want in the calendar.
    • Completion Date. Search by the date the job was completed. Click on the day you want in the calendar.
    • Job ID. Search by the system-generated ID for the job.

    Search Fields. These fields have the Search icon to their right. In each case, you can either enter a value directly in the field or click on the Search icon to bring up a Search screen to search for existing values.

    The search fields include:

    • Object Type. In this field you search for the job by the type of executable object that generated the job.

      Click the Search icon. In the Search screen, enter % in the empty search field and click Go. When the system returns all executable object instance types, click the Quick Select icon next to the one you want.

      Alternatively, enter the object type directly in the field from the main screen: Program, Load Set, Report Set, Workflow, or Data Mart.


      To find a Load Set, you must enter "Loadset" not "Load Set."
    • Service. In this field, you search for the job by the service used to run the job. See Setting Up Services for information on services.

      Click the Search icon. In the Search screen, enter % in the empty search field and click Go. The system returns a list of all services as a concatenation of Service Location - Service Type - Priority. For example, where the service location is 41, the service type is PLSQL, and the job priority defined for the service is High:


      Alternatively, enter a string following the pattern shown above directly into the field on the main screen.

    • Execution User. In this field, you search for the job by the username of the person who submitted the job for execution.

      Enter the username directly in the field on the main screen.

      Alternatively, click the Search icon. In the Search screen, enter some part of the username with the wildcard character % preceding, following, or both. When the system returns all usernames that match, click the Quick Select icon next to the one you want.

    • Domain. In this field, you search for the job by the name of the Domain that contains the executable object that generated the job.

      Enter the name of the Domain directly in the field on the main screen.

      Alternatively, click the Search icon. In the Search screen, enter some part of the Domain name with the wildcard character % preceding, following, or both. When the system returns all Domain names that match, click the Quick Select icon next to the one you want.

    • Application Area. In this field, you search for the job by the name of the Application Area that contains the executable object that generated the job.

      Enter the name of the Application Area directly in the field on the main screen.

      Alternatively, click the Search icon. In the Search screen, enter some part of the Application Area name with the wildcard character % preceding, following, or both. When the system returns all Application Area names that match, click the Quick Select icon next to the one you want.

    • Work Area. In this field, you search for the job by the name of the Work Area that contains the executable object that generated the job.

      Enter the name of the Work Area directly in the field on the main screen.

      Alternatively, click the Search icon. In the Search screen, enter some part of the Work Area name with the wildcard character % preceding, following, or both. When the system returns all Work Area names that match, click the Quick Select icon next to the one you want.

  3. Show All Status. Select either Yes or No. If you select No, you can specify which statuses you want to retrieve. See Job Statuses for an explanation of each status.
  4. Click Go. The system displays the results of the search in the lower part of the screen. See General Job Information.
    You can click on the Job ID hyperlink for any job to see execution details for that job; see Job Execution Details.

Click Clear to remove the search criteria and the search results in order to begin a new search.

Job Information

Some job information is available in the search results area at the bottom of the Job Administration screen. Additional information is available when you click the Job ID hyperlink for a particular job.

This section contains these topics:

General Job Information

The system displays the following information about jobs in the search results at the bottom of the Job Administration screen:

Job ID

The system-generated ID of the job. You can click on the Job ID hyperlink to view execution details for the job.

Job Status

The current status of the job.

See Job Statuses for further information.


The name of the executable object—Program, Load Set, Report Set, Workflow, or Data Mart—that generated the job.

Execution Setup

The name of the Execution Setup used to generate the submission form for the job.

Work Area

The name of the Work Area within which the job was executed.

Object Type

The object type of the executable that generated the job—Program, Load Set, Report Set, Workflow, or Data Mart.

Start TS

The timestamp of the beginning of the job.

End TS

The timestamp of the end of the job.


The user who submitted the job for execution.

Job Execution Details

If you click on the Job ID hyperlink in the Job Administration screen, the system opens the Job Execution Details screen.

It displays the following information for the job:

Submission Properties

The Job Execution Details screen includes values for the following properties in the upper portion of the screen:

Job Name

The system generates a job name that includes the submission date and timestamp.

Job ID

The system-generated unique ID for the job.

Technology Type

The engine used to run the job concatenated with the object type that generated the job; for example, SAS Program or Text Data Mart.

Execution Status

The highest execution status the job has achieved.

If the job is in progress, the status displayed is the current status. If the job has ended in failure or been aborted, the system displays the execution status the job had at the time it ended. See Execution Statuses for a complete list and description of each execution status.

Job Status

The current job status.

See Job Statuses for a complete description of each job status.

Error Message

If there is an error message associated with the job, a link to it appears here.

Validation Status

The validation status of the executable object instance used to generate the job.

Execution Setup

The name of the Execution Setup on which the submission form was based.

Execution User

The username of the person who submitted the job for execution.

Service Type

The type of service that ran the job.

See Service Types for a description of service types.

Service Status

In Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Release 2.4.8 this field always displays the status "Running."

Submission Time Stamp

The date and time the job was submitted for execution.

Start Time Stamp

The date and time the job execution started.

End Time Stamp

The date and time the job execution ended.


In the Outputs subtab, the system displays a row for each output generated by the job, if any.

To view an actual output:

  1. Click the hyperlink in the Name column or the View icon next to it. The Output screen opens.
  2. Click View File.
  3. Choose to open or save the file.

In the Outputs subtab, the system displays the following information about each output:


The title is relevant only for primary outputs, which display the title.

By default the title is the same as the output's name. However, the Definer can specify a different title.


The Definer can enter a description of the output.

Primary Flag

The Primary Flag can be set to Yes or No and impacts the output.

If Primary Flag is set to Yes, the output constitutes a primary reason for the job execution; it is a report on Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub data.

If set to No, the output is a log or error file produced as a result of running the job but not the primary reason for running the job.

Error Flag

If Error Flag is set to Yes, the output is an error file resulting from the job execution.


If the job is the running of a Report Set or Workflow, it has subjobs.


Program, Load Set, and Data Mart executions do not have subjobs.

This section contains the following topics:


The name of the executable object—Program, Load Set, Report Set, Workflow, or Data Mart—that generated the subjob.


The type of object that generated the subjob.

Job Status

The current job status of the subjob.

See Job Statuses for further information.

Execution Status

The highest execution status reached by the subjob. If the job is in progress, the status displayed is the current status.

If the job has ended in failure or been aborted, the system displays the execution status the job had at the time it ended.

Submission Parameters

Submission parameters are Parameters defined for the particular Program, Load Set, Report Set, Data Mart, or Workflow executed by the job.

This section contains the following topics:


The system displays the name of the Program, Load Set, Report Set, Data Mart or Workflow instance that was executed.

Expand its node (+) to view the Parameters.


The object type of the object listed in the Name column.


The value in effect at submission.

System Parameters

System parameters are predefined for each object type.

For further information, see the chapter on each object type in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.

This section contains the following topics:


The system displays the name of the Program, Load Set, Report Set, Data Mart or Workflow instance that was executed. Expand its node (+) to view the Parameters.

Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub displays the name of the system parameter followed by its reference codelist.


The object type of the object listed in the Name column.


The value in effect at submission.

If a Parameter is not mandatory, it may have no value. When the allowed values are contained in a reference codelist, the system displays the name of the reference codelist surrounded by dollar signs, with the value at submission following. For example, where the value is $YESNO$YES, the runtime value is Yes. The value Yes was selected from the YesNo reference codelist.

Source Data Currency

The Source Data Currency subtab provides information on the most recent refresh of the data from all sources read by the job.

Log File

Click View Log to see the log file for the job.

The log file includes information on the execution statuses the job attained. See Execution Statuses.

Job Statuses

Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub uses the following statuses to track the progress of a job. You must refresh the screen to see updates.

This section contains the following topics:


The job has not yet started running.


The job has begun pre-processing.


The Program has connected to database and is running.


The job has begun post-processing.


The job has completed successfully without warnings.


The job has completed successfully with warnings.


The job has completed with a fatal error.


The job has been manually aborted.

On Hold

The job is waiting for the Work Area quiesce process to complete.


The system removed the job from the queue after the timeout interval passed.


The job is a duplicate of another job; the currency of the source data, parameter values, and executable instance version are the same.

Therefore the system does not rerun the job unless the person submitting the job chooses to force reexecution. To view the job that this one would duplicate, paste the Duplicate Job ID in the search window and locate the job.

Execution Statuses

Execution statuses provide more detailed information than job statuses. For diagnostic purposes, the system displays the highest execution status a job reached, even if the job ended in failure.

This section contains the following topics:


Submitted is the initial execution status of the job on the job queue.

This phase is required.


The job is waiting for OWB operator processing to begin.

This phase is required.


The job is waiting for another instance of same program to complete.

This phase is necessary only if the Program writes to target tables that require serialization. For further information, see "Data Processing Types" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.


The system is performing backchain processing; examining the executable instances upstream to check if they have backchain Execution Setups defined and if so, if their source data is more current than their target data, and rerunning qualifying jobs as necessary to maximize data currency.

This phase is required only for jobs specifying a data currency of Most Current Available. For a more complete description of backchaining, see "Backchaining" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.


The system is rolling back data written to tables in the previous execution of same program that did not complete successfully.

This phase is required only if the Program writes to targets and last job failed without recovering.

Pre-Execution Function

The system is executing a technology-specific pre-execution function.

This phase is required only by some technology types.

Obtain Service

The system is obtaining a service instance appropriate for the Program's technology type and specified priority, given the service instances currently available for the technology type.

This phase is required.

Pending Logon

The system is waiting for the Program to start and connect to the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub database.

This phase is required for all jobs except Workflow master jobs.


The Program has connected to the database and is executing.

This phase is required.


The system is performing post-execution table completion processing.

This phase is required only if the Program writes to target tables.


The job has successfully completed processing.

Fail Backchain

The job failed during backchain processing.

Fail Logon

The job failed to connect to the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub database.


The job failed at a phase not specified by one of the other failure statuses.

Rolling Back

The system is rolling back target tables to their pre-job state due to the job's execution failure.

Rolled Back

The system completed rolling back target tables to their pre-job state due to the job's execution failure.