
(Applies only to Load Set adapters.) You can write a procedure to retrieve a list of all the tables or other data structures in the external system in a user-specified location and to insert them into a list values so that the user can select some or all of them to be uploaded. The system then calls the auto_add_tab_desc_lov function and passes the user's selection to it.


The above description is correct. The intended functions for this column in the Adapter Areas table and the Auto_Add_Tab_Desc_LOV column are reversed.

If you write a procedure for this purpose, set the Allow_Auto_Add_Tab_Desc flag to YES. If not, set Allow_Auto_Add_Tab_Desc to NO. YES or NO must be in uppercase. If YES, you must also write a procedure to create Table Descriptors from the selected source data structures (see following procedure).

The following Oracle Clinical Load Set shipped adapters use an Auto_Add_Table_Descriptor_Function: Data Extract Oracle Views, Data Extract SAS Views, Study Data and Study Design. The shipped Oracle Tables and Views Load Set adapter also uses this function.

The Auto_Add_Tab_Desc_Function must have the following signature:

  ,po_vOperList         OUT NOCOPY CDR_VAR_LIST_COLL) IS

The function's parameters take the following values:

  • pi_nCompanyID see Getting Your Company ID
  • pi_nLSRObjID takes the Object ID of the Load Set definition
  • pi_nLSRObjVer takes the object version of the Load Set definition
  • po_vOperList outputs a list of Tables from which the user can choose one or more to upload. The return value should be a collection and the ORACLE_NAME attribute of each CDR_VAR_OBJ_TYPE that is part of the returned collection should be populated with the name of a table.