
(Applies only to Load Set adapters.) if you set the Allow_Auto_Add_Tab_Desc flag to YES you must also write a procedure to create Table Descriptors in Oracle LSH based on each of the data structures the Definer selects from the list of values (LOV).


The above description is correct. The intended functions of this PL/SQL function and the Auto_Add_Tab_Desc_Function PL/SQL function are reversed.

The Auto_Add_Tab_Desc_LOV must have the following signature:

PROCEDURE CreateMultipleOperators (pi_nCompanyID  IN CDR_DF_NAMING_V.COMPANY_ID%TYPE
  ,pi_vOperList         IN VARCHAR2) IS

The function's parameters take the following values:

  • pi_nCompanyID see Getting Your Company ID
  • pi_nLSRObjID takes the Object ID of the Load Set definition
  • pi_nLSRObjVer takes the object version of the Load Set definition
  • pi_vOperList takes the list of Tables the user selected to upload. The table names are separated by the pipe character (|) with an additional pipe at the end. For example, if the user selects tables named demog, ae, and conmed, the input value is demog|ae|conmed|.