Business Area Adapter Requirements

Business Area, or visualization, adapters enable users to create a Business Area containing Table Descriptors, Joins, and Hierarchies, instantiate them in the Oracle LSH database, and send the metadata to the visualization system in a form comprehensible to the visualization system.


A Generic Visualization adapter is available to integrate any visualization tool with Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub with much less work than creating your own adapter; see Using the Generic Visualization Adapter.

However, you may want to create your own adapter in order to use the following Business Area functionality, which is not available when you use the Generic Visualization adapter:

  • Launch IDE from the Business Area
  • Define joins and hierarchies in the Business Area

With support from the adapter, a user can launch the visualization system from Oracle LSH or log in directly to the external system and view data in the Table instances mapped to the Business Area's Table descriptors. The data remains in Oracle LSH.

If further definition is required in the external system, the adapter must facilitate that. You may need to save these externally made changes back to Oracle LSH under version control. The OBIEE adapter uploads a source code file for this purpose.

Since Business Area adapters allow users to view Oracle LSH data through an external tool, those adapters must coordinate user privileges between Oracle LSH and the external system.

For more information, see the following: