Call the Create Adapter Area API

You must create a new Adapter Area using the public API CDR_PUB_ATK_ADAPTER.CREATEADAPTERAREA.

Its signature is:

PROCEDURE createAdapterArea(
p_api_version IN NUMBER
,p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 default CDR_PUB_DEF_CONSTANTS.G_FALSE
,x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
,x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
, pio_adapterAreaNaming IN OUT NOCOPY cdr_naming_version_obj_type
, pio_adapterAreaRow IN OUT NOCOPY cdr_adapter_areas%rowtype
) ;

Enter parameter values as follows:


When you supply the name of a function or procedure you have written, do not include the schema name. Enter only package_name.procedure_or_function_name
  • PIO_ADAPTERAREANAMING. This is a mandatory parameter of table type CDR_NAMING_VERSION_OBJ_TYPE. Enter attribute values as follows:
    • company_id = Enter_your_company_ID
    • obj_id = null


      The system generates this ID. Save the output parameter value. You will need it to create objects inside the Adapter Area.
    • obj_ver = null
    • object_type_rc = '$OBJTYPES$ADAPTERAREA'
    • name = Enter a name for the Adapter Area. The name appears in the UI in the Adapter drop-down list on the object's Create page.
    • namespace_obj_id = Your_Adapter_Domain_ID
    • namespace_obj_ver = 1
    • namespace_start_obj_ver = 1
    • namespace_end_obj_ver= cdr_def_constants.cdr_max_def_object_version
    • owning_location_rc = null
    • checked_out_flag_rc = '$YESNO$NO'
    • checked_out_id = null
    • object_subtype_id = null
    • description = 'Enter_a_Description_for_the_Program'
    • copied_from_company_id = null
    • copied_from_obj_id = null
    • copied_from_obj_ver = null
    • ref_company_id = null
    • ref_obj_ver = null
    • object_version_number = 1
    • status_rc = null
    • validation_status_rc = null
    • version_label = null
  • PIO_ADAPTERAREAROW. This is a parameter of row type CDR_ADAPTER_AREAS table. Enter object attribute values as follows:


    Adding a row to the Adapter Areas table is required for Load Set, Data Mart, and Visualization adapters, but not for IDE adapters.
    • company_id. Enter_your_company_ID
    • obj_id. Set to Null. The system enters the value.
    • obj_ver. Enter 1. Or, if you are updating the adapter, increment the version number by 1.
    • adapter_name. Enter a name for your adapter.
    • adapter_version. Enter the version number of the external system. This is for your information only; this field has no effect.
    • adapter_type. Enter one of the following adapter types:

      • LOADSET for Load Set adapters
      • DATAMART for Data Mart adapters
      • BUSAREA for Business Area adapters
      • PROGRAM for Program adapters
    • tech_type_id. Enter the tech type ID for your adapter.
    • allow_column_upload. (Applies only to Load Set adapters.) Enter YES, NO, or FILE. If set to NO, a user defining a Load Set using this adapter cannot upload column data structures from an external system. If you want the user to be able to upload these data structures, enter YES if the source system is a database and FILE if the source system stores data in files, such as SAS data sets or xml files.

      If set to YES or FILE, the Upload Column button appears in the Table Descriptor properties page. Set to NO if your adapter is not a Load Set-type adapter or if it is a Load Set adapter but the table structure is predefined, as in some of the Oracle Clinical adapters; see Planning Data Structures.

      The following shipped Load Set adapters use a column upload function: Oracle Clinical Data Extract Oracle Views, Oracle Clinical Data Extract SAS Views, Oracle Tables and Views, and SAS.

    • column_upload_function. Applies only to Load Set adapters. If the Allow_Column_Upload flag is set to YES or FILE, write a function to upload data structures and enter the schema_id.package_name of the function.
    • allow_manual_tab_desc_flag. Enter YES or NO. Set to YES to enable the Add button in the Table Descriptors subtab in user interface, so that users can manually define Table Descriptors. Set to NO to render the button inactive.
    • auto_add_tab_desc_lov. Applies only to Load Set adapters. See Object Definition Functions and Procedures for information.
    • allow_auto_add_tab_desc. Enter YES or NO. If set to NO, the Definer will not be able to choose from a list of Tables to create Table Descriptors. If set to YES, you must write a program to create a list of appropriate Tables and enter its name in Auto_Add_Tab_Desc_ Function. You must also create a program to create the selected Table Descriptors and enter its name in Auto_Add_Tab_Desc_LOV.
    • auto_add_tab_desc_function. Applies only to Load Set adapters. See Object Definition Functions and Procedures for information.
    • currency_function. See Object Definition Functions and Procedures for information.
    • define_time_function. See Object Definition Functions and Procedures for information.
    • define_time_connect_flag. Enter YES if, in order to define an object through this adapter, it is necessary to connect to a remote database. This is the case for Oracle-based Load Set adapters, for example, to get a list of tables on a remote database.

      If you enter YES, you must create a Parameter instance in the define-time Parameter Set to collect the remote location information; see Table Descriptor Define-Time Parameters. You must then use the Parameter value(s) in your code; for example, in the Auto_Add_Tab_Desc_Function to return the list of tables from the remote system for the user to select.

      Enter NO if no remote connection is required during object definition.

    • install_time_connect_flag. Enter YES if, in order to install an object created through this adapter, it is necessary to connect to a remote database. This is the case for Orace-based Load Set adapters, for example, if the Definer chooses to map Table Descriptors to Table instances defined as views. If set to YES, you must create a Parameter instance in the define-time Parameter Set to collect the remote location information; see Table Descriptor Define-Time Parameters.

      Enter NO if no remote connection is required during object installation.

    • runtime_connect_flag. Enter YES if, in order to run an object created through this adapter, it is necessary to connect to a remote database. This is the case for SAS and Text Load Set adapters that load a file. If set to YES, you must create a Parameter in the runtime Parameter Set to collect a value for the remote location; see Object Execution Functions and Procedures.

      Enter NO if no remote connection is required to run the object.

    • tables_as_views_flag. (Applies only to Load Set adapters.) Enter YES to allow the Definer to create the Load Set's target Table instances as passthrough views to tables in the external system, so that the user can view data in the external system. Entering YES here adds the item "Create Table as a View" from the Process Type drop-down in the properties page of Table instances mapped to target Table Descriptors.

      Enter NO if the external system cannot support this functionality or if you do not want to use it.

      The following shipped adapters have this flag set to YES: Oracle Clinical Labs, Oracle Clinical Data Extract Oracle Views, and Oracle Tables and Views.

    • tables_as_views_function. Set to Null. This function is not currently used, even by Load Sets that support tables as views.
    • active_flag_rc. Enter '$YESNO$YES'


      You can always set this flag to YES. The adapter will not actually become available for use until you have assigned user groups to the Adapter Area.

    • def_param_flag_rc. Enter '$YESNO$YES' if this adapter has a Parameter Set called PARAMETERSET_LOADSETLEVEL_DEF. See Object Definition Functions and Procedures for further information. The system then displays the Parameters in this Parameter Set as define-time attributes of Load Sets, Data Marts, Program, or Business Areas created with this adapter.

      Enter '$YESNO$NO' if this adapter does not have a Parameter Set called PARAMETERSET_LOADSETLEVEL_DEF.

    • run_param_flag_rc. Enter '$YESNO$YES' if this adapter has a Parameter Set called PARAMETERSET_LOADSETLEVEL_RUN. See Object Execution Functions and Procedures for further information. The system then displays the Parameters in this Parameter Set as runtime Parameters in the Parameters subtab of Load Sets, Data Marts, Program, or Business Areas and in the Execution Setup of Load Sets or Data Marts created with this adapter.

      Enter '$YESNO$NO' if this adapter does not have a Parameter Set called PARAMETERSET_LOADSETLEVEL_RUN.

    • td_param_flag_rc. (Applies only to Load Set adapters.) Enter '$YESNO$YES' if this adapter has a Parameter Set called PARAMETERSET_OPERATORLEVEL. See Table Descriptor Define-Time Parameters for further information. The system then displays the Parameters in this Parameter Set as define-time attributes of Load Sets created with this adapter.

      Enter '$YESNO$NO' if this adapter does not have a Parameter Set called PARAMETERSET_OPERATORLEVEL

    • status_recalc_function. See Object Definition Functions and Procedures for information.
    • security_recalc_flag_rc. Enter '$YESNO$YES' if you write a Security Recalulation function to synchronize Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub security with the security of the external system; for example, for a Business Area adapter.

      Enter '$YESNO$NO' if there is no security synchronization between Oracle LSH and the external system. See Synchronizing Security with Integrated Environments.

    • security_recalc_function. See Object Execution Functions and Procedures for information.
    • install_schema_flag_rc. If your adapter requires a dedicated Oracle database schema, enter '$YESNO$YES'. If not, enter '$YESNO$NO'.

      If you set this flag to '$YESNO$YES', Oracle LSH creates an additional schema dedicated to this adapter when you install the Work Area containing the Business Area or other adapter-related object, and gives the additional schema the same name as the Work Area schema plus the suffix you specify for install_schema_suffix. You can use the install_functions to populate this schema with whatever objects your adapter requires. Oracle LSH reinstalls the schema each time the Work Area is installed, using the same installation type specified for the Work Area. No more than one additional schema per adapter type is created per Work Area.

    • install_schema_suffix. If you set the install_schema_flag_rc to '$YESNO$YES', enter text. The system appends this text to the Work Area schema name to create the name for the additional schema.