Call the Create Column API

Call the API CDR_PUB_DF_TABLE.CREATECOLUMN to create Columns for the Table, one at a time.

You can create both the Column and the Variable on which it is based at the same time.

  • PIO_NAMING. Enter CDR_NAMING_VERSION_OBJ_TYPE values as follows:
    • company_id = Enter_your_company_ID
    • obj_id = null
    • obj_ver = null
    • object_type_rc = '$OBJTYPES$COLUMN'
    • name = 'Enter_a_name_for_the_Column'
    • namespace_obj_id = Enter_the_Table's_obj_ID
    • namespace_obj_ver = 1
    • namespace_start_obj_ver = 1
    • namespace_end_obj_ver= cdr_def_constants.cdr_max_def_object_version
    • owning_location_rc = null
    • checked_out_flag_rc = '$YESNO$NO'
    • checked_out_id = null
    • object_subtype_id = null
    • description = 'Enter_a_Description_for_the_Column'
    • copied_from_company_id = null
    • copied_from_obj_id = null
    • copied_from_obj_ver = null
    • ref_company_id = null
    • ref_obj_ver = null
    • object_version_number = 1
    • status_rc = '$NAMING_STATUS$INSTALLABLE'
    • validation_status_rc = null
    • version_label = null
  • PIO_VARIABLE. Enter CDR_VAR_OBJ_TYPE values to define the Variable as follows:
    • company_id = Enter_your_company_ID
    • obj_id = null
    • obj_ver = 1
    • oracle_name = 'Enter_an_Oracle_name_for_the_Table'
    • length = 'Enter_a_length_for_the_Table'
    • precision = 'If_your_Variable's_datatype_is_NUMBER,_enter_its_precision'
    • sas_v6_name = 'Enter_your_variable's_SASv6_name_(up_to_8_chars)'
    • sas_v8_name = 'Enter_your_variable's_SASv8_name_(up_to_32_chars)'
    • sas_label = 'Enter_your_variable's_SAS_label_(up_to_256_chars)'
    • sas_format = 'Enter_your_variable's_SAS_format'
    • nullable_flag = 'Enter_$YESNO$YES_if_the_value_can_be_ null_or_$YESNO$NO_if_not'
    • default value = Set_to_Null_or_enter_a_default_value_for_the_variable
  • PIO_COLUMN. Enter CDR_COLUMNS_OBJ_TYPE values to define the Variable as follows:
    • company_id = Enter_your_company_ID
    • obj_id = null
    • obj_ver = 1
    • position_number = 'Enter_your_column's_position_number_in_the_Table'
    • nullable_flag = 'Enter_$YESNO$YES_if_the_value_can_be_ null_or_$YESNO$NO_if_not'
  • PI_CREATETYPE Enter BOTH to create a Variable and a Column at the same time.