Creating a Table Definition

If you are creating a Load Set adapter and the external source data system has fixed data structures, you may want to define those data structures as Tables in the Adapter Area rather than uploading them or forcing the user to create them manually each time a user creates a Load Set.

This enhances performance, reduces the possibility of error, and eliminates the need to connect to a remote database during Load Set definition.

You can either create a Table Descriptor for every Table definition in every Load Set of this type, or you can create a list of values and allow the person defining the Load Set to select which Table Descriptors he or she wants.

To create a list of values:

  • Write a procedure to retrieve a list of all the Table definitions in the Adapter Area and to insert them into a list values so that the user can select some or all of them to be loaded by the Load Set.
  • When you create the Adapter Area, enter the procedure's name as the value for auto_add_tab_desc_function.


    The above description is correct. The intended functions for the above column and the Auto_Add_Tab_Desc_LOV column are reversed.
  • When you create the Adapter Area, set allow_auto_add_tab_desc to YES.

In addition, you must:

  • Write a procedure to create Table Descriptors in Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub based on each Table definition required.
  • When you create the Adapter Area, enter this procedure's name as the value for auto_add_tab_desc_lov.


Data Mart and Business Area adapters do not require Table definitions because their source tables are within Oracle LSH.

For more details, see the following: