Components and the User Interface

Your adapter allows Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Definers to create a new type of Load Set, Program, Data Mart, or Business Area.

Figure 1-2 Selecting the Adapter Type During Object Creation

Description of Figure 1-2 follows
Description of "Figure 1-2 Selecting the Adapter Type During Object Creation"

When a Definer creates an object of any type, he or she must select an adapter type. The system adds the name you define for the Adapter Area to the list.

Figure 1-3 Object Properties User Interface

Description of Figure 1-3 follows
Description of "Figure 1-3 Object Properties User Interface"


The above "screenshot" is an amalgam of buttons and options from different object types and states.

User interface elements for all objects interact as follows with adapter components:

  1. The Apply button calls the status_recalc_function for Data Marts. For Programs and Load Sets this function is called on checkin and checkout; see Status_Recalc_Function .
  2. The Submit button (available for Programs, Load Sets, and Data Marts only) opens the Execution Setup page displaying the Parameters in the runtime Parameter Set PARAMETERSET_LOADSETLEVEL_RUN, if any, so that the user can enter values and click Submit again to actually run the Program, Load Set, or Data Mart. The system then automatically generates and dequeues an XML message file and calls the execution function(s) specified for the technology type and Adapter Area. Execution also requires a service type and an execution command to invoke the external system; see Planning for Object Execution and Object Execution Functions and Procedures.
  3. The Launch button (available for Programs and Business Areas only) invokes the custom function Build_IDE_Cfg_Function. This button becomes active after the user installs the current version of the Program or Business Area.


    Launch IDE functionality is not available using the Generic Visualization adapter.
  4. The Install button calls the installation function(s) specified for the technology type; see Object Installation Functions.
  5. Object Attributes are the Parameters you define in the Parameter Sets named PARAMETERSET_LOADSETLEVEL_DEF and PARAMETERSET_OPERATORLEVEL. They collect user input to use during object definition and Table Descriptor definition respectively; see Planning Parameters and Parameter Sets.
  6. The Add Table Descriptor button requires the Adapter Area flag allow_manual_tab_desc_flag to be set to Yes to be active. Users can then manually add Table Descriptors. If this flag is set to No, the button is not available and the adapter define-time functions must create the Table Descriptors required.

    The Upload and Upload Columns buttons for Programs and Load Sets are displayed if the AllowAutoAddTabDesc and Allow_column_upload flags, respectively, are set to Yes or File. You can then write custom definition procedures that call APIs to upload either the whole Table Descriptor structure or just the Columns.

    See Object Definition Functions and Procedures for information on the related functions.

  7. The Source Code tab is available for Programs and Business Areas only. No adapter-specific code is required to upload a source code file from the integrated development environment (IDE).
  8. The Parameters tab can contain Parameters that you define in the adapter Parameter Set named PARAMETERSET_LOADSETLEVEL_RUN to collect user input. For example, all SAS Data Marts have predefined Parameters for Mode (CPORT or XPORT) and Zip Result Flag (No or Zip) that the Definer can set during Data Mart definition or the user can set at runtime.

    The Parameters tab can also contain Parameters created by a Definer. These are contained in a different Parameter Set and are handled automatically by the system; you do not need to write code or add parameters to any adapter Parameter Set to support this.

    You may need to write your execution function to handle any additional Parameters the definer may create and pass them to the particular program at execution.

  9. Planned Outputs You can use the define_time_function to create predefined Planned Outputs for all objects created using your adapter; for example, as a placeholder for Data Mart data files or log or error files for any object type.

    In addition, you can use the status_recalc_function, which is invoked each time an object is modified, to automatically create a Planned Output when a Definer adds an object that requires it; for example:

    • Write the status_recalc_function so that it automatically creates a new data file for the new Table Descriptor each time a Definer adds a Table Descriptor to a Data Mart of your adapter type.
    • Write the status_recalc_function so that it automatically creates a new log and/or error file each time a Definer adds a Source Code object to a Program.

    The system automatically provides the functionality for Definers to create Planned Outputs in Program definitions.