IDE Launch Process from Within Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub

When a user launches an IDE from within Oracle LSH, the system:

  • Calls the Build_IDE_Cfg_Function to launch the IDE, download files, if necessary, and whatever else you have coded it to do.

    Oracle LSH makes a distinction—by passing a different value to the Build_IDE_Cfg_Function—between IDEs launched from the Reports tab, through which Consumers view data visualizations, and IDEs launched from Program and Business Area pages, through which Definers develop Programs and Business Areas. Consumers can see blinded data in an IDE if they have the required privileges in Oracle LSH, but Definers can never see blinded data when they launch the IDE from a Program or Business Area.

  • Calls the Security_Recalc_Function and passes values to it for the company ID, object ID, and object version of the object—Program or Business Area—for which the IDE is being launched. You can use these to get the prrefid of the Program or Business Area to set the context for data security; see Getting an Object's Prref_Id and Prref_Ver and Establishing Context.
  • Assigns a service instance to the IDE session. The service instance is the account that the job uses to connect back to the Oracle LSH database. It remains allocated to the Program or Business Area until it is explicitly released by a Checkin or Undo Checkout user action.

    The service instance assigned to the Program or Business Area during IDE launch is associated with the user's database account, so if the user logs in using their database account, the system automatically sets up the sys context so that they can read the data in Table instances mapped to the Program or Business Area's Table Descriptors.