Planning Services

Services are required to handle the interaction of Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub with the external system.

You must create at least one service type for your adapter. A different service type is required for each technology type. To create a new service type, extend the CDR_SERVICE_TYPEs lookup; see Adding Lookup Values.

Each Oracle LSH installation that uses your adapter must have a service, service instances, and a service location for each service type required for your adapter defined in the Oracle LSH user interface. Your custom functions can then make use of the local information provided in the service, service location, and service instance definitions, which are stored in the following internal tables:


The system assigns a service instance to each job execution and IDE launch. For information on the function of service instances during job execution, see Execution Process.

If you need to collect additional information about the local installation of Oracle LSH or your external system, you can use the Details field of the service definition to collect it. The Details field is not required. The shipped adapters use it in different ways that are described in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide chapter on services. The user-entered value of the Details field is stored in the DETAILS column of the CDR_SERVICES table (varchar2(2000) BYTE).