Programs and Business Areas

The Status_Recalc_Function for Program and Business Area adapters must have the following signature:

PROCEDURE RecalcInfaPgmStatus ( pi_sourceCdrNaming IN cdr_naming_version_obj_type,
  pi_vEvent IN VARCHAR2,
  pv_bothRefAndDef IN  cdr_df_naming_v.checked_out_flag_rc%type );

The function's parameters take the following values:

  • pi_sourceCdrNaming is a parameter of table type CDR_NAMING_VERSION_OBJ_TYPE that contains object attributes. See the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Programming Interface Guide Reference Information section for details about the required attributes.
  • pi_vEvent takes either CHECKIN or CHECKOUT, depending on the UI trigger event
  • pv_bothRefAndDef: When the event is CHECKOUT, this parameter value is passed as $YESNO$YES if both the definition and instance are being checked out and $YESNO$NO if only the definition is being checked out.

    When event is CHECKIN this value is passed as NA.