Data Mart Adapters

The Status_Recalc_Function for Data Mart adapters must have the following signature:

PROCEDURE synchronizeDatamart ( pi_nDMCompanyId cdr_df_naming_v.company_id%TYPE,
  pi_nDMObjId     cdr_df_naming_v.obj_id%TYPE,
  pi_nDMObjVer    cdr_df_naming_v.obj_ver%TYPE,
  pi_vChildType   cdr_df_naming_v.object_type_rc%type);

The function's parameters take the following values:

  • pi_nCompanyID see Getting Your Company ID
  • pi_nDMObjId takes the Object ID of the Data Mart definition
  • pi_nDMObjVer takes the object version of the Data Mart definition
  • pi_vChildType takes the type of object that was modified, triggering the status recalc function. For example, if a user modifies a Table Descriptor in the Data Mart, then the child type is $OBJTYPES$TABLEDESCRIPTOR. See the Reference Information section in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Programming Interface Guide for information on how to look up the correct string for the object type from the lookup.