Assigning Levels to Object Subtypes

You must assign a classification hierarchy level to an object subtype in order to make it possible for a Definer to classify an object of that subtype at that hierarchy level.

You can choose to make object classifications mandatory to a particular level or not, and you can set a default classification or not.

You can create subtypes for any object type in the Subtypes subtab of the Security tab if you have the required privileges.

To add classification levels to subtypes, go to the Subtype subtab of the Classification tab and do the following:

  1. From the Object drop-down list, select an object type and click Go. The system displays the object type in the lower portion of the screen.
  2. Expand the object's node by clicking the plus (+) sign. The system displays all the subtypes currently defined for the object type.
  3. Click the plus (+) sign in the Add Level column on the Subtype's row. The Subtype Hierarchy Level Assignment screen appears. The system displays the Classification: Subtype Hierarchy Level Assignment screen for the object subtype.
  4. Select values from the following fields:
    • Hierarchy. From the drop-down list, select the classification hierarchy you want to assign to the Subtype. The system populates the Hierarchy Level drop-down list with the levels defined for the hierarchy you select.
    • Hierarchy Level. From the drop-down list, select the level of the hierarchy.

      You can repeat this process to choose more than one level.

    • Reference Allowed. Select Yes or No.
      • Yes. If set to Yes, Definers can choose to set the classification for objects of this Subtype to Reference. With a classification of Reference, an object takes its classification value from its immediate container: either a Work Area, in the case of object instances, or an Application Area or Domain Library in the case of object definitions. If you select Yes, you can set the Default Type to either Explicit or Inherited.
      • No. If set to No, Definers cannot choose a classification of Reference. They must specify a particular term. If you select No, the system sets the Default Type to Explicit and you cannot change that setting.
    • Default Type. Select Explicit or Inherited.
      • Explicit. If set to Explicit, to classify an object of this subtype at this hierarchy level, the Definer must manually specify a value.
      • Inherited. If set to Inherited, objects of this subtype inherit their classifications for this level from their parent object. Definers can override the inheritance by explicitly specifying a classification.
    • Mandatory. Select Yes or No.
      • Yes. Definers are required to set a value for this classification level.
      • No. Definers are not required to set a value for the classification level.
  5. Click Apply. The Classification screen appears.
  6. You can select a particular term in this hierarchy level as the default classification for all objects created as this object subtype. Definers can override the default value. Click the plus icon (+) in the Add Default Value, and then query for the term you want to define as the default classification. Click Apply.