Copy and Edit Revised Execution Command Scripts

The obieedeploy.cmd and obieeinstall.cmd command script files should be modified for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 12c integration. The templates for these command scripts are available under $cdr/admin/template.

The obieedeploy.cmd and obieeinstall.cmd command script files should be modified for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 12c integration. The templates for these command scripts are available under $cdr/admin/template. Copy the Oracle LSH versions of obieedeploy.cmd and obieeinstall.cmd from $cdr/admin/templates to the Oracle LSH Distributed Processing Server location and referred to in the Execution Command under the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Install and Deploy service configured in Oracle LSH under the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Service Location.

Edit obieeinstall.cmd by configuring the following environment variables based on their values applicable for the local Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition environment.
  • set PATH=%PATH%;C:\bi_home\bi\bifoundation\server\bin
  • set ORACLE_BI_APPLICATION=coreapplication
  • set ORACLE_BI_INSTANCE=C:\bi_home
  • set COMPONENT_NAME=coreapplication_obis1
  • set COMPONENT_TYPE=OracleServerComponent
  • set ORACLE_INSTANCE=C:\bi_home
  • set DOMAIN_HOME=C:\bi_home\user_projects\domains\bi
Edit obieedeploy.cmd by setting the RPD_DIR environment variable that indicates the Local Folder path where the Oracle LSH RPD will be copied during the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition BA install from Oracle LSH. Similar to Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g, in Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 12c integration, this folder should point to any local folder path on the Business Intelligence server machine’s file system.
  • set RPD_DIR=C:\RPD