Setting the Default Value for: Force Output Validation Status to Development

Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Program definitions have an attribute that determines how all outputs of all instances of that Program definition receive their initial validation status. You can set the default value in a profile.

In a Program definition, if this attribute is set to Yes, outputs of instances of the Program definition are always created with a validation status of Development. If set to No, the outputs inherit the validation status of the Execution Setup that produced them, which in turn can inherit its validation status from the Program instance.

The shipped default value is No.

To change the default value, do the following:

  1. Log in. See How to Log In to Oracle Applications Profile Forms.
  2. In the Profile field, enter LSH: Force Output Validation Status to Development or some part of that string followed by the wild card: %
  3. Click Find. The System Profiles pop-up window appears with the profile displayed.
  4. Click in the Site column. An ellipsis (...) appears on the right-hand side of the field.
  5. Click the ellipsis (...). A pop-up box appears.
  6. Click Yes or No and then OK.
  7. In the File menu, select Save and Proceed. The system displays a message that the transaction is complete.
  8. Click OK. The transaction message pop-up disappears.
  9. Close the window.