Adding a New Target Table Descriptor

This option is available for objects that have target Table Descriptors: Programs and Load Sets.

If your Program will write to (or read from) a table that does not yet exist, you can manually create the Table definition and Table Descriptor at the same time:

  1. In the Table Descriptors subtab of the Program's Properties screen, click Add Target from New. The system opens the Create Table Descriptors screen with Create a New Table Definition and Descriptor selected.
  2. Enter values in the following fields:
    • Name. See Naming Objects
    • Description. See Creating and Using Object Descriptions.
    • Oracle Name (up to 30 characters, uppercase, no spaces). Enter text or accept the default value. The system automatically creates the default from the text you entered in the Name field, converting it to uppercase, with underscores (_) substituted for spaces, truncated to 30 characters if necessary.


      Each Table Descriptor within a particular executable object must have a unique Oracle Name.
    • SAS Name (up to 32 characters, uppercase, no spaces). Enter text or accept the default value. The system automatically creates the default from the text you entered in the Name field, converting it to uppercase, with underscores (_) substituted for spaces.
    • Enter a SAS Label (optional, up to 256 characters). Enter text or accept the default value. The system automatically creates the default from the text you entered in the Name field.
    • Enter a SAS Library Name (optional, up to 8 characters).


      If you plan to use this Table Descriptor with an Oracle Business Intelligence (OBIEE) Business Area, you can set the SAS Library Name to $REPINIT. See Defining Table Descriptors for more information.
  3. Set Is Target and other Table Descriptor attributes; see Setting Table Descriptor Attributes.
  4. In the Classification section, select the following for the definition:
  5. Click Apply. The system opens the screen for the new Table Descriptor.

    You can update it as necessary:

  6. If you make any changes, click Apply to save them. The system opens the Table Descriptor Properties screen. Click Return. The system opens the Program's Properties screen.
  7. Click the Mapping icon for the Table Descriptor and map it to a Table instance. See Mapping Table Descriptors to Table Instances.