Adding a Table Descriptor from a Metadata File

You can create aTable Descriptors by uploading a metadata (.mdd) file with a required format, or create multiple Table Descriptors at once by uploading a zipped file containing multiple metadata files.

Depending on the type of object for which you are creating the Table Descriptor, the name of the button in the Table Descriptor tab varies: either Add, or Add Target, or File.

Creating a Metadata File: If the file has an .mdd extension, the system expects a set of Column attribute values, optionally preceded by a row identifying the delimiter and a row defining Table attribute values, each of which must begin with a key word. A row beginning with dashes is treated as a comment. For example:

--This is a comment.

Example 3-1: Sample Set Metadata File
lsh_delimiter = ,
--This section is for the Table attributes
lsh_table= DM,DEMOG Table,EMP,EMP,EMP,Staging with Audit,Yes,Yes,Blinded,target,yes,yes
--The following are columnsComment Line 2
	DOB,DATE,,,3,dob,dob,datetime.,,dob,yes,1,MM/DD/YY HH24:MI:SS

Delimiter: The first row defines the delimiter used in the file. If not specified, Oracle LSH treats it as a comma delimited file. The delimiter row must begin with lsh_delimiter=

Table and Table Descriptor Attributes: The second row lists the table attributes required in the file. The Table attribute row must begin with lsh_table=

If the second row is not present or contains null values, the system assumes that the filename (without extension) is the Table Name and follows the normal Oracle LSH default behavior for the attribute values. The attributes and their required order in the file are: Name, Description, Oracle Name, SAS Name, SAS Label, Process Type, Allow Snapshot?, Blinding Flag?, Blinding Status, SAS Library Name, Is Target?, Target as Dataset?

Some attributes have associated reference codelists and allow either the actual values for the associated reference codelist (RC) columns or the decode values defined in the "Meaning" attribute of the _RC lookup. For example, "select meaning from cdr_lookups where lookup_code='< RC>' so that YES or Yes or $YESNO$YES are acceptable values.

The following table outlines the applicable values for each Oracle LSH Table attribute that has an associated reference codelist.


Processing types that require audit keys are not supported.

Table 3-1 Table Attributes with Reference Codelist Values

Table Attribute Applicable Reference Codelist Values

Processing Type

Staging with Audit, Staging without Audit, Transactional High Throughput, Transactional without Audit

Allow Snapshot

Yes, No

Blinding Flag

Yes, No

Blinding Status

Blinded, Unblinded

Is Target

Yes, No

Target as dataset

Yes, No

Data Type

Date, Number, Varchar2


Nullable , Yes, No

Columns: Subsequent rows must contain the column and variable attributes with each represented by a new row in the text file with attributes. The position is determined by the order in which the column /variable rows are processed. For example, in a comma delimited file: Name, Data Type, Length, Precision, Oracle Name, SAS Name, SAS Format, Description, SAS Label, Nullable, Default Value, Date Format

Normal Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub validation rules apply to the Column or variable attributes. The operation uses Oracle LSH default values if invalid values are provided for any of the attributes.