Adding a Target Table Descriptor from an Existing Table Definition

This option is available for objects that have target Table Descriptors: Programs and Load Sets.

  1. In the Table Descriptors subtab of the Program or Load Set's Properties screen, click Add Target from Library. The system opens the Create Table Descriptors screen with Create a Descriptor of an Existing Table Definition selected.
  2. Click the Search icon. The system opens the Search and Select screen.
  3. Select the location of a Table definition from which you want to create a Table Descriptor:
    • Select the Table definition's Domain from the Domain drop-down list.
    • Select the Table definition's Application Area from the Application Area drop-down list. The choices are limited to Application Areas contained in the Domain you selected. Leave this field blank to search for definitions contained in the Domain library.
    • If you know the exact name or version label of the definition you want, select either Name or Version Label from the Search By drop-down list and enter the name or version label in the blank field.
    • (Optional) Select Display All Versions and/or Display Not Null Version Labels.
  4. Click Go. The system displays the Table definitions in the Application Area or Domain Library you selected.
  5. Click the Quick Select icon for the Table definition from which you want to create the Table Descriptor. The system populates the Definition Source field with the definition you selected.
  6. Click Apply. The system opens the screen for the new Table Descriptor.
  7. You can update the Table Descriptor here as necessary; see Setting Table Descriptor Attributes and Adding or Uploading Columns.
  8. Click the Mapping icon for the Table Descriptor and map it to a Table instance. See Mapping Table Descriptors to Table Instances.