Adding Source Table Descriptors

This option is available for objects that have source Table Descriptors: Programs, Business Areas, and Data Marts.

To use this option, the Table instance you want to read from must already be defined in Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub and you must have Read privileges on it. You can create multiple Table Descriptors at a time from Table instances located in a single Work Area.

The system bases the Table Descriptor on the same Table definition the Table instance is based on, and automatically maps the new Table Descriptor to the Table instance.


This functionality is also available in the Actions drop-down as the Table Descriptors from Existing Table Instances item.


You can also create a source Table Descriptor by creating a target Table Descriptor and changing its Is Target attribute value to No.
  1. In the Table Descriptors subtab in the Properties screen of a Program, Business Area, or Data Mart instance, click Add Source.
    The Create Table Descriptors from Table Instances screen opens.
  2. Select the location of a Table instance for which you want to create a Table Descriptor:
    • Select the Table instance's Domain from the Domain drop-down list.
    • Select the Table instance's Application Area from the Application Area drop-down list. The choices are limited to Application Areas contained in the Domain you selected.
    • Select the Table instance's Work Area from the Work Area drop-down list. The choices are limited to Work Areas contained in the Application Area you selected.
  3. Click Go. The system displays all the Table instances in the Work Area you selected.
  4. Select one or more Table instances by clicking the Select checkbox.
  5. Click Create Table Descriptor. The system returns you to the Create Table Descriptors from Table Instances screen. To return to the Program's Properties screen, click Return. Check that the mappings are complete.