Adding Target Table Descriptors from a Remote Location

This option is available for Oracle technology Programs and Load Sets.

The system searches for Variables in the same Application Area with the same name, data type, and length as each of the variables in the data set. If a matching Variable exists, the system bases a Column of the Table definition on it. If a Table definition with the same name already exists in the Application Area, the system appends _1 to it, or _x if the Table name already has a number appended, where x is the next larger integer.

  1. After defining the Remote Location and any other required attributes, go to the Table Descriptors subtab of the Load Set's Properties screen and click Add Target from Remote Location. The system opens the Upload Table Descriptors screen with tables from the specified remote location displayed.
  2. Select the tables from which you want to create Table Descriptors and click Apply.
    For each selected table, the system creates a target Table Descriptor and Table definition in the current Application Area. The system returns to the Load Set's Properties screen.
  3. You can update the Table Descriptor as necessary; click the Table Descriptor name. See Setting Table Descriptor Attributes and Adding or Uploading Columns.
  4. Click the Mapping icon for the Table Descriptor and map it to a Table instance. See Mapping Table Descriptors to Table Instances.