Automatic Mapping by Name

The Automatic Mapping by Name job can run on multiple Table Descriptors in a Program or other executable object. By default, it looks for a Table instance with the same name in the same Work Area as the executable instance.

If you are mapping source Table Descriptors only, you can specify a different Work Area.

You can also use this feature for remapping Table Descriptors.

To run automatic mapping:

  1. On the executable instance's Properties screen, select Automatic Mapping By Name from the Actions drop-down list and click Go. (In a Report Set instance, you can reach this screen from the Report Set structure screen by selecting the Report Set instance or a Report Set Entry, then selecting Map from the drop-down list and clicking Go.)
    The system displays the Automatic Mapping by Name screen and, by default, unmapped Table Descriptors only. The current Work Area is selected by default, and if it contains a Table instance with the same name as an unmapped Table Descriptor, the Table instance is displayed on the same row as the Table Descriptor.
  2. In the View drop-down list, specify which Table Descriptors to display:
    • Unmapped. The system displays only unmapped Table Descriptors (the default).
    • Mapped. The system displays only mapped Table Descriptors, so that you can remap them to different Table instances.
    • Both Mapped and Unmapped. The system displays all Table Descriptors and you can map and remap them as necessary.
  3. Select the location of a Table instance you want to map to. Accept the current Work Area or, only if you are mapping a source Table Descriptor, specify a different one by doing the following:
    • Select the Table instance's Domain from the Domain drop-down list.
    • Select the Table instance's Application Area from the Application Area drop-down list. The choices are limited to Application Areas contained in the Domain you selected.
    • Select the Table instance's Work Area from the Work Area drop-down list.
    • Click Go. The system searches the selected Work Area for Table instances with a name that matches the name of any of the displayed Table Descriptors and displays them in the same row as the matching Table Descriptor if found.
  4. Select one or more Table Descriptors with a matching Table instance in the specified location and click Map. The system creates the Table-level mapping and attempts to map Columns by name.
  5. Map another Table Descriptor or click Return to display the executable's main page.
  6. Check the mapping status of the Table Descriptors you have mapped.
    • If the system was able to map all their Columns, their mapping status is Complete.
    • If the system could not map all the required Columns, their mapping status is Incomplete and you must map them manually. See Mapping Columns.