Blind Break

The options you see in the Blind Break drop-down list depend on the state of the Table instance and on your privileges:

  • Currently Blinded Table Instance. If the table contains blinded data, you may see the following options:
    • Dummy. The system displays dummy data, not the real, sensitive data. This is the default behavior.
    • Real (Blind Break). The system breaks the blind to show you the real, sensitive data. This option is available only if you have the necessary blinding-related privileges. The Table instance remains blinded.
  • Unblinded Table Instance. If the table has been unblinded, you may see the following options:
    • Real (Unblinded). The system displays the real, sensitive data that has been unblinded (made available to everyone with Read Unblind privileges). This option is available only if you have the necessary privileges. This is the default behavior for people with those privileges.
    • Dummy. The system displays dummy data, not the real, sensitive data. This is the default behavior for people who do not have Read Unblind privileges.
  • Table Instance without Blinding. If the table does not support blinding (its Blinding Flag is set to No), the system always displays real data; the Table instance does not contain dummy data. The only option in the Blind Break drop-down list is Not Applicable.