Order By Clause

You can organize the data retrieved in any order using the Order Table Instance by feature.

You can specify an ascending or descending order for the Column's values. By default, the system displays records by sorting the values from the Column with an order number of 1 in ascending alphabetical or numerical order, depending on the Column's data type:
To order a Table instance:
  1. Select a Column from the drop-down list in the Column field. Columns are listed according to their position in ascending order. Once selected, a Column does not appear in the list.
  2. Select either Ascending or Descending from the drop-down condition list. Data is sorted in ascending order by default.
  3. Select Apply.
You can add more Columns to order and view by using the choice list in the Add Another section, and selecting the Add button.

Use the Remove button to remove a column from the Table instance display.

For example, for a Demography table with Columns Age, Race, and Sex: