Where Clause

You can use the Filter Table instance where feature to restrict the data you see.

To set up a Where filter:
  1. Select either of the conditions to associate with a Table instance Column.
    1. Show results when ALL results are met
    2. Show results when ANY results are met
  2. Select a Column from the drop-down list in the Column field. All available Columns are listed according to their position.
  3. Select a filter condition from the drop-down list. The available conditions depend on the type of data in the particular Column.
  4. Enter a value to filter by and select Apply. If the data type is VARCHAR 2, you can select the Match Case checkbox to filter values by case.
You can add different filter conditions to the same Column or view a combination of different Columns and conditions.
To include more Columns, select a Column from the drop-down list in the Add Another section and select Add. You can then apply filter conditions to the second Column. Similarly, use the Remove button to remove a Column and its filter conditions.


For example, for a Demography table with Columns Age, Sex and Race, you can set up the following Where filters:
  • To retrieve data about patients who are over 50 years old, select:

    Column—Age, Condition—Greater than, Value—50

  • To see data about female patients who are older than 50 years, select:

    Column—Age, Condition—Greater than, Value—50. Add another Column and select:

    Column—Sex, Condition—Is, Value—Female

  • To see records for patients of all races except white, select:

    Column—Race, Condition—Is not, Value—White