
From a Business Area instance in a Work Area, you can use the following buttons:

  • Install: Click Install to install the Business Area instance, including mapped Table instances in the same Work Area; see Installing Business Area Instances. For a list of reasons a Business Area instance may not be installable, see Installation Requirements for Each Object Type.

  • Launch Visualization: Click Launch Visualization to go to the Launch Visualization screen; see Launching Visualizations. You can see the Launch Visualization button only after you have installed the Business Area. See Installing Business Area Instances.

  • Update: Click Update to modify the Business Area instance properties. See Modifying Business Area Instance Properties.

  • Check In/Out and Uncheck: Click these buttons to check out, check in, or uncheck the Business Area definition. Different buttons are displayed in the Business Area Definition Properties section depending on the Checked Out Status and whether or not you are the person who has the definition checked out. If someone else has checked out the definition, you cannot check it in or uncheck it. The username of the person who has checked it out is displayed. See Understanding Object Versions and Checkin/Checkout.