Creating a New Notification Definition and Instance

When you select Create a new Notification definition and instance in the Create Notification screen, additional fields appear.

  1. Enter values in the following fields:
    • Name. See Naming Objects.


      The Name does not appear on the actual notification sent to recipients. Recipients see the Subject instead. Definers searching for a Notification definition to use can see the Name.

    • Description. See Creating and Using Object Descriptions.

    • Subject. Enter the summary text recipients see, up to 80 characters including text variable values. See Creating and Using Text Variables.

    • Type. Select FYI (For Your Information) or Approval. See Types of Notifications.

    • Priority. In Oracle LSH Release 2.5 this field has no effect.

    • Primary Recipient Timeout. This field applies only to Notifications of type Approval. Specify the days, hours, and/or minutes from the time the system sends the Notification to the time the Notification times out for the primary recipients.

    • Backup Recipient Timeout. This field applies only to Notifications of type Approval. Specify the days, hours, and/or minutes from the time the Notification times out for the primary recipients to the time the Notification times out for the backup recipients. If you do not plan to add backup recipients, enter a zero (0) in each field.

  2. If you selected Approval as the type, select a value for Approval By:
    • All Recipients. The system moves to the next Workflow activity after the success Transition only after all recipients have approved the Notification.

    • Any Recipients. The system moves to the next Workflow activity after the success Transition as soon as any one recipient approves the Notification.

      In the case of All Recipients, if a single recipient rejects the Notification, and in the case of Any Recipients, if all the recipients reject the Notification, the system moves to the next Workflow activity after the error Transition.

      Timeout and Rejection are both failures and the system moves to the workflow after the error transition in both the cases.

  3. In the Classification section, select the following for both the definition and the instance:
  4. Click Apply to save your work and continue defining the Notification.

    The system opens the Properties screen for the new Notification instance. You must click Update to add recipients or links to outputs.

  5. Define the Notification details. See:
  6. Click Check In.

    The system checks in Version 1 the Notification definition. The definition is located directly in the current Application Area. The instance is located in the Workflow.