Data Mart Instance Report

The Data Mart Instance report includes all the definitional information that pertains to the instance, including information about the underlying Data Mart definition. See Data Mart Report for definition related information.

The Data Mart Instance report contains the information available in the Data Mart instance's Properties screen and its subtabs. It has four sections:

  • Header—See Header Information for Object Instances for details on the header section.

  • Attributes—A table displaying values of the attributes Data Mart Type, File Name, File Name Extension, and Mode.

  • Child Objects—Tables displaying information about each of the Data Mart components- Table Descriptors, Parameters, Planned Output. See Data Mart Report for details of these components. Additionally, you can see mapping information about Table Descriptors.

  • Mapping Information—Detailed mapping information for the Data Mart instance. This section has two subsections.

    • The first subsection displays the following information: TD Table Definition Name, Description, Latest Version, Checked In or Out, Checked out by, Last Modified Time, Last Modified by, Validation Status.

    • The second subsection displays details about the tables that the Table Descriptors are mapped to. This table has two parts, one for the Table Descriptor and the other for the Table instance.

      • Table Descriptor—Consisting of the Column Name and Data Type.

      • Table Instance—Consisting of the Column Name, Format String, Default Value, Data Type and Mapping Status.

To generate a Data Mart Instance report, navigate to the Data Mart instance's Properties screen. Select Definition Report from the list of reports available for object instances while following instructions in Running and Saving System Reports.