About Data Marts

A Data Mart exports all the data in a set of Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub (Oracle LSH) Table instances to one or more files for the purpose of recreating Oracle LSH data in an external system in a verifiable and reproducible manner. A Data Mart is an Oracle LSH primary executable object whose data file output is also called a Data Mart.

You can use Data Marts for many purposes, including:

  • submitting data to a regulatory agency

  • exporting a set of Oracle database tables to another system for data mining

  • sharing data with a partner organization

  • long-term data storage in text (or other) format

To include data from a Table instance in a Data Mart output, you create a Table Descriptor and map it to the Table instance. You can include data from any number of Table instances in a single Data Mart. As with other executables you can run a Data Mart on current data or on a snapshot, depending on settings in its Execution Setup.

Data Mart Types: You can create Data Marts in the following formats:

  • Text Export

    • Text Fixed Format

    • Text Delimited Format

  • SAS Export

    • SAS Data Sets

    • SAS Transport (CPORT or XPORT)

  • Oracle Export

Execution: You define Execution Setups for Data Marts the same way you do for other Oracle LSH executables. See Creating, Modifying, and Submitting Execution Setups for further information.

Reports on Data Mart Definitions and Instances: From the Actions drop-down list, you can generate reports that provide information on a Data Mart definition or instance; see System Reports for information.