Defining Business Area Hierarchies

Many visualization tools allow drilling down into more and more detailed data or up into more and more general data. To allow this functionality for visualizations of Oracle LSH data, you must define Business Area Hierarchies.


Hierarchies are not supported in Generic Visualization Business Areas.

Business Area Hierarchies define hierarchical relations among Table Columns to organize data in a meaningful way, from general to specific, so that data values at the lower levels aggregate into the data values at higher levels.

For example, you could define a Hierarchy for the Columns Study, Patient, Visit, Test, in that order, from the most general to the most specific. The system uses the Hierarchy and the data values for each row to interpret the data values in the Columns hierarchically: all tests belong to a visit; all visits are associated with a patient, and all patients are part of a study.

If Table Descriptors are defined as joined, you can create a Business Area Hierarchy that includes Columns from both Table Descriptors. For example, you could create a Business Area Hierarchy for the Columns Investigator Name, Patient, and Gender where the Investigator Name is in the Sites Table and the Patient and Gender Columns are in the Demography Table.

When you define a Business Area Hierarchy, you assign each Column an order number. The Column with order number one is the top, or most general, level of the Business Area Hierarchy, and each subsequently numbered Column is the next lower Hierarchy level. Sequential Columns must be contained either in the same Table Descriptor or in joined Table Descriptors.